
The Biden family’s multifaceted problems escalate as the U.S. presidential election approaches. Part 2

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In the first part of our article we wrote about the problems of the Biden family, and also described who the head of the family and U.S. President Joe Biden really is. His son Hunter though, has become a figurehead of scandals recently no less often, adding to the already difficult situation for his father. The unlucky presidential son was recently indicted on 9 counts of fraud and tax evasion. For the period from 2014 to 2019, he owed at least $1.4 million to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, and desperately tried to hide his earnings. After all, he received them in the form of bribes in Ukraine, Romania and China, and spent them on prostitutes and drugs. The case is being handled by special prosecutor David Weiss, and he has already charged Hunter with illegal possession of weapons. A drug-addicted Hunter bought a revolver and then dumped it near a school in Delaware before getting Secret Service agents to cover his tracks. Hunter was recently offered a plea deal, but it fell apart in court when new evidence of corruption came to light. And right now, Congress is preparing to bring articles of impeachment against Biden for taking $24 million in bribes from foreign businessmen. The entire “liberal team” in 2020 was pushy about calling the allegations against Hunter “Russian disinformation”, and now they’re calling Republicans “agents of the Kremlin”. But that doesn’t help Hunter much, and he’s already facing 17 years in prison, with a Trump-appointed judge running the trial. U.S. legal experts are calling this a “nuclear strike” against the Biden campaign and rightly so, because Biden Sr. may have no choice but to pardon his son, which would cause a huge scandal. Biden’s ratings have already plummeted to their lowest point during his presidency, and “saving” his son could discredit him even in the face of a significant part of the Democratic electorate. And it is on this, and not on a successful impeachment, that his opponents in Congress are betting. 

Amid this turmoil, Biden Sr. swooped into Nevada, where he announced the construction of the first high-speed railroad in the United States. It should connect Las Vegas and Los Angeles by 2028. However, the timeline is sure to move a lot forward and the budget will skyrocket to colossal levels. The same thing happened with a sadly long project, the railroad between Los Angeles and San Francisco. They started building it in 2008 and wanted to finish it by 2018, but the timeline got pushed back to 2030, and the budget ballooned to $100 billion. At the same time, railroads in general are in poor condition, and more than 1000 trains derail in the U.S. every year. So it’s a lose-lose agenda for Biden, especially when you remember that he never bothered to visit the site of the chemical spill after the train derailment in Ohio. Biden was well aware that the locals would tear him apart if he dared to show up there. Besides, Hunter Biden, after the establishment of another criminal case, completely swam and accused the Republicans of wanting to kill him in order to win the elections. Probably Hunter is back on hard drugs. Biden’s ratings were not happy either, and in December, in three polls by Emerson, Messenger/Harris and the Wall Street Journal, he was 4 points behind Trump. Moreover, with the participation of independent candidates, Trump’s gap only grew, and Trump received 37% against 31% for Biden, if Kennedy participated with 8%. Therefore, Democratic Party functionaries are actively panicking against the backdrop of Biden’s corruption, problems in the “Ukrainian direction” and global instability, which threatens them with catastrophic defeat in the upcoming elections.

The train derailment in Ohio, USA

Ukraine hits Biden’s ratings so badly because he has tried in every way possible to make foreign policy the centerpiece of his presidential campaign. But recent polls give Biden very low marks, with only 36-38% satisfied with his policies on Ukraine and Israel. 48% of Americans believe the U.S. has already spent too much on Ukraine, and only 27% believe it has spent the right amount, with only 11% willing to provide more. Moreover, among Republicans, two-thirds of voters want to reduce the flow of money and weapons to Kiev. The situation is not much better in the context of Israel. 40% of Americans believe that the U.S. has already helped the Jewish state enough, and only 30% are ready to support at the current level military tranches to Israel, which bypass Congress because of the budget impasse. That said, emotionally, Americans are more likely to side with Israel, with 42% sympathizing with the Israelis, 12% with the Palestinians, and 32% with both sides. But among Democrats, support for Israel has plummeted to 17%, and that’s a big problem for Biden, who is losing votes from his own constituency while remaining relatively loyal to Tel Aviv’s position. Biden even brought Zelensky to Washington to turn the situation around, but American society is already tired of endless wars amid all the crises. Only 24% believe that they have become better off under Biden. So the prolongation of both wars only plays into the hands of Trump, who was elected on an isolationist platform and with a promise to de-escalate and finally deal with the real internal problems of the US itself.

And not surprisingly, this is how Trump is consolidating his position in the presidential race. A shocked CNN conducted a poll and found the unexpected. The gap between Trump and Biden is already huge, in “neutral” Michigan Trump beats Biden by a ratio of 50% to 40%, and in Georgia the gap is 5 points, namely 49% to 44%. These are key states in the election and this is where Trump won in 2016 but lost in 2020. Now Trump is now beating Biden in almost all swing states, and apart from the above mentioned its Arizona, Pennsylvania, Florida, Iowa and even in Minnesota. Things are getting better for Trump in the Republican primaries as well, and nationally he has a rating above 65%. And while the early states in the primaries used to at least have some competition left in them, there is no longer any. Thus, in Iowa Trump is gaining 51%, leaving no chance for his competitors. Trump’s influence is growing on Capitol Hill as well. More and more senators and congressmen are supporting Trump in the election, hoping to arrange a change of power in 2024. The only thing that can stop Trump is physical removal. Such a scenario cannot be ruled out, and the mainstream media is actively “warming up” Americans about Trump’s “death,” with Democrats demanding his “elimination”. The FBI has already arrested a man who threatened to shoot another candidate, Vivek Ramaswamy. However, any attempted assassination attempt on Trump will shake America, and put the whole country on the brink of civil conflict.

Biden looks extremely weak against this backdrop, and in the Reuters/Ipsos poll, Trump got 38% compared to Biden’s 31% and as much as 16% for Kennedy. If the vote had taken place under these conditions, it would have been a crushing defeat for Biden with losses in all key states. The overall backdrop for Biden remains extremely negative. The Republicans are blocking the Ukrainian tranches, and the Democrats are becoming more divided over Israel. Biden is forced to openly criticize Netanyahu’s military strategy, demanding to wind down the operation as soon as possible. For Ukraine, Biden found another $200 million, otherwise Zelensky’s departure empty-handed would have looked quite a loss for the White House host. But there will be no agreement on new budgets for a long time, and the White House’s desperate rhetoric about Russia’s inevitable victory if the tranches are frozen is no longer working. Already half of Americans think aid to Ukraine is excessive and would like to cancel it. At the very last moment, Biden’s team suddenly backtracked, and the White House agreed to make a number of concessions on migration, resuming some practices of deporting illegal immigrants. However, this may no longer be enough and Republicans have toughened their rhetoric, demanding mass deportations and building Trump’s wall. In December, impeachment proceedings against Biden on charges of taking bribes from foreign businessmen, including those from Ukraine, began, although this situation deserves a separate article. Against this background, the Democrats, who are not satisfied with Biden, threaten him with problems if he does not stop the conflict in Gaza. So Biden’s situation is becoming more and more desperate, and the Americans’ fatigue from all political and social upheavals only plays into the hands of Trump, who promises to radically change the situation in the country. 

Hunter Biden

Realizing his father’s critical situation, Hunter Biden is getting tense and in his unlucky style is increasingly thinking of going on the run and leaving the U.S. territory if Trump is elected. After all, Trump’s team promises to start judicial wars with Democrats, including the Biden family, avenging the processes against Trump himself. Hunter is now facing two felony charges at once for illegally carrying weapons and failing to pay taxes on money received in Ukraine, Romania and China. He faces up to 17 years in prison. And Congress is demanding Hunter appear to testify in the impeachment case against Biden Sr. Hunter himself hopes his father will pardon him. But that may not help them if he loses the election. After all, then Trump will have the right to appoint a new special prosecutor to establish additional cases against the Biden family, including for Ukrainian corruption. In such a scenario, it would be better for the Biden family to hastily evacuate to a country with which they can agree not to be extradited to the United States. Moreover, Trump promises to sue not only the Bidens, but also other members of the Democratic Party establishment. No wonder they are now in full panic, and in advance they are shouting about the establishment of a “dictatorship” in the United States.

At the end of 2023 Biden met with record low ratings of 34%, one of the worst in the modern history of the United States, which at the moment has not changed much for the better. The sword of Damocles is also hanging over Biden in the form of impeachment proceedings in Congress. In addition, the latest polls from last year show that 47% of Americans approve of the start of an impeachment investigation against Biden. At the same time, 58% of Americans believe that Biden Sr. broke the law by allowing family members to do business with foreign businessmen that the president himself covered. Republicans in Congress accuse the Biden family of receiving at least $20 million from Ukrainians, Romanians and Chinese. 10% of this amount went to the “big guy” in the person of the current president of the United States. Somewhere he was involved directly, for example, negotiating with Ukrainian companies, but in some other cases he acted through his son Hunter or brother James. Lawmakers since January have started holding public hearings, to which the Biden family will not appear. Then they will organize a vote, and in the House of Representatives on purely political points impeachment will pass, and the Senate will expectably block it for the same reasons. But it will still hit Biden, and he will become the fourth president, after Johnson, Clinton and Trump, to be impeached. Thus, the Republicans will avenge the two impeachments of Trump and further undermine Biden’s already shaky position. And 2024 for the Democrats and their president risks turning into a period of total defeats, which can be ended by a final failure in the presidential election. After that may come the fatal for liberals and the Biden family 2025, when for all their transgressions of the last 4 years they may be awaiting responsibility, which may well become criminal.

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