
Street crime under the guise of liberals as the scourge of the modern U.S. Part 2

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In the first part of our article, we already wrote about the crime wave that has swept over the United States, and threatens to turn it into a copy of Brazil with its gangs in favelas, or into an analog of Mexico with its ubiquitous drug cartels. But the situation is so sad that many people are already beginning to wonder that San Francisco’s crime epicenter may be even more dangerous than Afghanistan. For example, it was asked by an Afghan immigrant and owner of a tobacco shop in San Francisco after he was robbed of $100,000, and he actively complains that in Afghanistan the robbers would have their hands cut off, but in California the police have given up even trying to cope with the constant robberies. These are his emotions, of course, but if we talk about the problem more seriously, the crisis is affected by the shortage of officers, because since the BLM demonstrations began, 15% of law enforcement officers have quit the San Francisco police force. In addition, the lack of political will to fight robbers is also affecting, because Democrats in the state have de facto legalized thefts under $1,000, and local liberal prosecutors, elected on a wave of support for the BLM movement, refuse to prosecute those arrested for robberies.

Overall, last year in the United States the damage to retailers from robberies and shoplifting amounted to a record $100 billion. Large chains already have to optimize costs and close stores in the most crime-ridden corners of the United States, such as the already mentioned San Francisco. Due to objective danger, the population is moving away from these liberal “elisiums” and not coming back. For example, cell phone activity in San Francisco is only 32% of what it was in the last “peaceful” winter of 2019, when the BLM was still nobody’s business. For the sake of fighting crime and drug mafia, the National Guard has already been deployed to the city for a military-police operation, but that’s unlikely to stop San Francisco’s rapid decline. If American politics as a whole is becoming increasingly chaotic, liberal metropolitan areas with soaring crime rates are more likely to become Afghanized, if we compare the U.S. once again to this poorer and more violent Asian country. For example, residents of certain Chicago neighborhoods are already 4 times more likely to die than U.S. soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. So it is not surprising that these megacities are losing population and becoming less and less livable.

It is not only the famous San Francisco that suffers, but also other liberal smaller cities. For example, the authorities of the city of Oakland in California have come up with an “ingenious” idea for local residents on how to resist criminals. In their opinion, everyone should just buy signal horns – and start actively honking if someone’s store or house is attacked by burglars. The number of robberies in the city has jumped a whopping 41% in the past year, while robberies have risen 20%. In all American metropolitan areas, the crime crisis is rampant, but it is California, which is the first to decriminalize robberies for “small amounts of money”, that is particularly affected. Police are afraid to fight it, but law enforcers continue to oppress law-abiding Americans who try to give to crime. In California they organized a trial against the employees of 7-Eleven store of Indian origin, who beat up a black robber in a showy manner, simply not being able to stand the fact that their store was being robbed for the 20th time by maturing and professional gangsters. The situation is painfully reminiscent of the scandal with retired Marine Daniel Penny, who rounded up a black homeless man in the New York subway who was harassing passersby. The homeless man had dozens of convictions, including for attempted child abduction, and died after his encounter with the trooper, while Penny was undeservedly made a second-degree murder case. The Democrats want to force Americans to accept imposed helplessness by continuing their experiments in liberalizing law enforcement, pandering to class-conscious criminals close to the Left and demonizing anyone who doesn’t like it. And the liberal authorities don’t care that this risks spiraling out of control at a moment’s notice, bringing all of America to the brink of civil strife.

Desperate shopkeepers are increasingly taking the initiative and simply beating up those who rob their establishments. This is a forced measure against the backdrop of police inaction, especially in states like California, where a social experiment in “humanism” towards criminals has been going on for 9 years. In reality, however, it is compassion for organized crime, because store robberies have become a massive shadow industry with billions of dollars in the wind. Robbers can take out an Apple store in broad daylight – with employees looking on fearfully – or stage a big rally through Los Angeles with serial robberies of 7-Eleven diners. The loot is then taken to Nevada and resold there for half-price, including on the darknet. Once such robbers, however, fell on brave Indians, who beat them up, but because of the paradox laws they may now face a lawsuit from “progressive” prosecutors in California for violating the rights of a member of an “unprivileged” minority. The annual damage from shoplifting to U.S. retail will continue to grow, with an increase of as much as 90% in the last 4 years. In this environment, retail is simply leaving cities like San Francisco, unwilling to operate in total lawlessness. This is the essence of the new liberal justice in the U.S., when real criminals are not fought, but law-abiding citizens who fight back are tried. And this happens according to the same logic that is used to prosecute politicians.

A curious case happened in Chicago, where a television crew arrived at five in the morning to film a report on a series of robberies in the north of the city. Instead they were robbed while filming and forced at gunpoint to hand over all their money. This symbolizes the bacchanalia of lawlessness and crime that has engulfed both Chicago and every other liberal metropolis in the United States. For the year 2023, Chicago’s crime rate has expectedly increased by 40%. Moreover, it is primarily due to a wave of robberies and auto thefts. The number of shootings is off the charts and on holidays in the city shot under a hundred people, of which a dozen are killed. And every second resident of Chicago by the age of 40 witnesses at least one shooting. The crime situation has become such a stalemate that Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot disgracefully lost the election, coming in third place. It was she who actively reduced the police force, which made Chicago the record holder in the number of murders among all U.S. cities. However, the same leftist Democrat was elected as the new mayor, and the crime rate continued to rise. Against this background, the population is leaving Chicago en masse, and in recent years the city has lost a hundred thousand people. A big resonance was caused by the decision of the owner of a large hedge fund Citadel Kenneth Griffin to move all employees from Chicago to Florida. He simply could not ensure their safety, because the employees of the hedge fund were attacked on the streets and in the subway. But in Chicago, illegal immigrants from Republican states are being deported en masse, which has already led to clashes with local residents. The situation in Chicago is typical of other metropolitan areas, and in some San Francisco or Los Angeles there are robberies and rioting in the streets just as well. The only question is which city will eventually “win” in this race to the bottom, and where the situation of controlled chaos will reach its logical conclusion, with a social collapse like Detroit. 

In some states, liberal policies have reached apotheosis and complete insanity. For example, supermarkets in metropolitan Washington, D.C., have begun to remove branded items from Advil, Colgate or Tide from the shelves because they are constantly being stolen. Other stores have implemented the alternative of hiding items under lock and key or reducing the number of entrances to the supermarket building, making theft more difficult. 

Police, even in Republican states, ignore these problems. In Austin, Texas, for example, residents are advised not to even call 911 emergency services in the event of a robbery, so as not to distract operators from more important calls. Instead, they are encouraged to call 311 for non-emergency situations or leave an online complaint. Austin’s police chief recently resigned amid a shortage of law enforcement officers and a failure to fight crime, leaving the problems to his “progressive” replacements. Big retail is leaving not only San Francisco, as we have already written about above, but also Beverly Hills in Los Angeles, where a recent wave of robberies took place. The Hollywood elite have also been affected, and there is a surge in demand for armored cars and bunkers to hide in. Against the background of pity for outright gangsters, the attitude towards political prisoners is quite different. Thus, protesters at the Capitol continue to be demonstrably harshly punished, and Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio was given 22 years in prison, even though he wasn’t even at the Capitol on the day of the protests, much less able to use violence. But for Democrats, these aren’t class-conscious BLM participants or street gangs, and compassion is being replaced by hatred and a desire to break the lives of their political enemies. Republicans promise, once in power, to not only pardon political prisoners, but to return law enforcement to normalcy, where criminals are held accountable and their victims are protected. And this should be the restoration of justice normal to any society.  However, while fighting injustice is the sacred duty of every human being, it is only the second problem created by the surge in crime in the U.S. The main problem is that the rampant gang violence on the streets threatens to destroy society and the American state itself. And against this backdrop, even the problem of restoring justice fades into the background. 

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