Ukrainian refugees: better a poor homeland than a crisis and unexpectedly “unfriendly” Germany
It is no secret that in 2015, refugees from Syria and Africa perceived Europe as a source of money and gratuitous goods that did not...
Sponsor vs. sponsor in the U.S. election: a guide to distinguish a ‘good’ from a ‘bad’ one
The activities of the two major American parties, the Democratic and Republican parties, are not altruistic. Lobbyism in American political culture, unlike in Europe, is...
The 2022 U.S. congressional election results: total fraud, disregard for public opinion, democracy wake-up, and another step toward civil war
The November 8 congressional elections could not come to an end even two weeks after the formal voting date, and the long and agonizing "counting...
Elon Musk is making his mark on Twitter and slowly starting to influence the election, but the main battle is still to come
As it was already written before, Elon Musk is running a "covert" presidential campaign, claiming to be a grey eminence who in 2024 can use...
The global “green agenda” has turned into khaki color
The work and infiltration of an agent in an enemy state can follow different scenarios. In the first of them, for the sake of strengthening...
The sad fate of the economic and social development in Ukraine: what awaits the population of this country in the next decade
Even before the elections to the U.S. Congress, which took place on November 8, there was a belief that the Republicans would win, and retaliate...
Abiy Ahmed: how another Nobel Peace Prize winner destroyed stability in his country and provoked a civil war
Many accuse the organizers of the Nobel Prize of politicization, and with many nominations no one has ever really hidden it. The literary prize and...
The “Empire” of Musk “strikes back” and buys Twitter
Mid-October was a retreat period for Elon Musk in his defense with the Joe Biden administration. Under pressure from the White House, Musk had to...
Any politician “close to the people” is prone to becoming a tyrant. The sad story of the metamorphosis of Moldovan President Maia Sandu
At the dawn of modern democracy in the 18th and 19th centuries, participation in elections was often restricted in terms of age, gender and wealth....
How even Australia could not “hide” from the footsteps of the global economic and energy crisis
The current global economic crisis was clearly manifested by the backdrop of the armed conflict in Ukraine, which managed to combine seemingly incompatible things. On...