USA flag is split

The “conspiracy” theory of a latent civil war in the U.S. is getting more and more a real political proof

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We have previously written that the United States is experiencing a severe political split into two very different camps: liberal and conservative. Hatred between these two social and geographical parts of American society always threatens to split the state, which can with high probability lead to the collapse of the country and civil war on its territory. Many philosophers and political scientists have expressed the same view before, but they have been branded as alarmists, “evil storytellers,” and even fringe persons. People who did not want to acknowledge the fact that America was headed in the wrong and dangerous direction sought justification in the fact that there were no symptoms of an approaching storm in the real political field, because “serious” government officials and politicians were not talking about it. As unfortunate as it is for them, the shadow of potential conflict has recently manifested in full force, both in Congress and between culturally diverse states.

The troublemaker of calm among the political class has been perhaps the brightest and most politically active Republican congresswoman, Marjorie Taylor Greene. The transition between 2022 and 2023 was her finest time and a well-deserved price to pay for her consistent and courageous stance. In 2020, the Democrats attacked her harshly and stripped her of her membership on all parliamentary committees for challenging the election results. After the Republican election victory in 2022, Greene was compensated morally and took important positions on several committees, becoming a real influence on decision-making. In addition, her Democratic haters, such as Adam Schiff, Ilhan Omar and Eric Swalwell, who turned out to be a Chinese intelligence agent, have now lost their positions in Congress. Nor was she any less active after obtaining her coveted position on the committee. Thus, on February 20, Marjorie Taylor Greene called it offensive that Biden decided to spend the President’s day in the USA not with the Americans but with the Ukrainians in Kiev. In addition, she said that Biden’s desire to continue spending taxpayers’ money on Ukraine is a manifestation of hatred for Americans.

Obviously, this can hardly be called populism, since Greene has always demanded that no money be given to Ukraine until America’s domestic problems are solved. On February 25, Congress reintroduced a resolution on the audit of Ukrainian tranches, authored by Greene, who also demanded to stop the U.S. slide into a third world war. All of this could not but lead to the transformation of Marjorie Taylor Greene into one of the leading politicians in the United States. Now Donald Trump is considering making her his vice presidential nominee, a decision that could further strengthen the position of the congresswoman from Georgia. It is important to understand that the vice president, though a token position, is mostly concerned with foreign policy. And in case Trump’s running mate does become Taylor Greene and they win the election, the vice president of the United States will be an isolationist for the first time in a long time. Marjorie Taylor Greene is one of those who oppose support for Ukraine and for reducing U.S. involvement in international conflicts, which Democrats particularly hate.

Knowing Greene’s principled nature, we should have expected the most sincere statements from her, and her new political weight made it impossible to present them as marginal. On February 22, Republicans in Congress almost routinely proposed impeaching Biden for visiting Ukraine unscheduled but refusing to visit Ohio, where an environmental disaster has occurred. They also mockingly suggested that Biden be permanently impeached by the Ukrainians and Poles. However, it was Marjorie Taylor Greene’s proposal that drew a particular resonance, making it clear that the country has long been on the brink of civil conflict. She immediately proposed a solution to the problem, in the form of a “national divorce”. According to Greene, the Republican states in the United States could be peacefully separated from the Democratic states, thus avoiding a bloody civil war in the future. “The last thing I ever want to see in America is a civil war. No one wants that — at least everyone I know would never want that — but it’s going that direction, and we have to do something about it,” Greene said.

In this vision she is far from alone. The idea of a national divorce has been gaining popularity among Republicans for several years now. It is about the peaceful division of the U.S. into two countries, conservative and liberal, because it is becoming almost impossible for them to live peacefully in one state with each other. The split in the country during Biden’s presidency has sharply intensified. Republican states have openly sabotaged his policies, fighting “green” ideology and the “transgender” agenda, and deporting illegal immigrants to liberal states and even to the front porch of Kamala Harris. The Democrats, on the other hand, call the Republican aspirations preparation for a new civil war: it is not for nothing that polls have been coming out with notable regularity since last year that many Americans expect a civil war in the next 10 years. 

But this topic is not limited to the media or the walls of Congress. The tension between the “two Americas” is shown by the conflicts between states with different ideological preferences of most of their population. In the country, the debate about the borders between the states is boiling: Idaho wants to annex 13 counties of neighboring Oregon, which would allow the state to take 63% of Oregon’s territory and get access to the Pacific Ocean. Idaho is typically a Republican state, while Oregon is Democrat in power. However, there are also many Republicans in southern and eastern Oregon. They are very unhappy to be in the minority and have no influence on state-level decision-making. In recent years, Oregon has become one of the epicenters of the culture wars in the United States. The state’s largest city, Portland, was home to some of the biggest BLM and antifa riots. There authorities also made drastic cuts in the police force, leading to a surge in crime. Many Oregonians, fleeing rampant crime and drug abuse, sought refuge in neighboring Idaho. Now they propose to give Idaho most of rural Oregon, which willingly supports Republicans.

This is not the first border dispute in the United States in recent times, and a similar story took place in Virginia. When local authorities decided to impose restrictions on gun ownership, individual counties tried to secede from the state and become part of neighboring West Virginia. Oregon is not particularly enthusiastic about the possibility of losing two-thirds of its territory and one-fifth of its population, and is unlikely to allow its counties to become part of Idaho in the near future. However, they cannot suppress the secession movement either, and the area could become one of the first hotbeds of separatism, which always stands at the beginning of any civil war. At the very least, disgruntled Oregonians will simply continue to move to Idaho en masse. This situation shows another trend, with Republicans and Democrats diverging in their states, reinforcing their cultural differences and forming new nations. In the long run, this could increase the popularity of the scenario of a “national divorce” of the United States with the division into different Americas, which Republicans in Congress are already openly talking about. Obviously, the establishment in Washington will never agree to a peaceful division of America. This is realistic only in case of a major upheaval in the U.S., which could be triggered by something major, for example a technical default and economic collapse or another battle of non-recognition of the election results including the use of the army. Nonetheless, one thing is clear – neither such a split nor a potential civil war is no longer a fantasy for anyone, but is seen as a very likely event that could happen in the very near future.

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