
“Progressive” Justin Trudeau is “progressive” about everything

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Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has long been a symbol of the most blatant, brazen, populist, and in some places even tragicomic promotion of the liberal “progressive” agenda, the pinnacle of which, of course, has always been the issue of LGBTQ+ rights. However, Trudeau’s destructive influence on contemporary Canada is not limited to this “traditional” issue alone. In early June, for example, a new scandal erupted in the country with the government-imposed “humane” euthanasia. A major British Columbia health insurer, Fraser Health Care, began sending out advertisements for euthanasia to its clients of retirement age with the promise to arrange it very promptly, and in some cases even in 1 day. Canada began legalizing and implementing euthanasia with Trudeau 2016. From next year it will be available even to teenagers, and without parental consent. At the same time, euthanasia can be recommended to everyone diagnosed with mental disorders, and under this, by analogy with Nazi Germany, anyone who is pointed at by the state or medical lobbyists associated with it can be brought to justice. The result is a paradoxical picture in which, in its “perfection,” ultra-liberalism becomes like an ultra-right doctrine alien to it. At the same time, the motivations for such behavior of “progressive democrats” are much more immoral than even those of Adolf Hitler, and are reduced not even to abstract collective interests, but only to personal commercial gain.

In 2022, the number of patients killed by euthanasia reached 13,500. Euthanasia was specially imposed on many of them under the horrifying thesis for every normal person that it is cheaper to leave life, paying a couple of thousand dollars, than to spend tens of thousands of dollars on treatment. And Canadian doctors openly and cynically declare that euthanasia can save 150-200 million dollars annually, directing them to “necessary” spending, probably meaning “very important” sex reassignment surgeries. For example, in Quebec, one of the most populous cities in the province, euthanasia already accounts for 7% of all deaths. And given the rate of growth at 30-50% per year, it’s going to get bigger and bigger. After all, Canadian health care is in a deplorable state due to the shortage of doctors, and the average waiting time to see a specialized doctor is 30-40 weeks. And due to the euthanasia being introduced, it is possible to artificially shorten the time of treatment by simply killing patients. Besides, it will allow to close Trudeau’s blunders in the social sphere from the voters and will help him to become prime minister for one more desired term. Moreover, Canada’s population is growing at record rates due to uncontrolled migration. This is the social experiment of Trudeau and the liberal elites, who want to get rid of old Canadians, whom they see as a burden on society, and replace them with new Canadians. Liberals, in the best tradition of the “demon” Soros, want to set up their wonderful new world before Canada is overtaken by the same civilizational catastrophe that is already engulfing the neighboring United States.

However, in 2023, this is not Trudeau’s only attempt to play on fashion trends, and he could not ignore the main event of recent times – the conflict in Ukraine. In May, he visited Ukraine again at the very moment when the problems escalated in Canada, competently diverting attention away from it. He was also the first Western politician to visit Kiev amid the troubled Ukrainian offensive, from which many politicians in the U.S. and Europe have tried to distance themselves. A telling description of Justin’s repulsive liberal populist style is that at the same time forests were burning in Canada, with wildfires already exceeding 9 million acres. That’s 36,000 square kilometers, which is larger than Belgium and slightly smaller than Switzerland. Usually only a few hundred thousand acres burn in early summer in Canada, but in 2023 the fire spread was 10 to 15 times the annual average. Many attribute this to very poor forest management. In Canada, only 23 controlled fires were set in the last year to control drywood, although in the neighboring U.S., more than 100,000 fires are carried out each season. As a result, the situation has become a stalemate with smoke covering American cities and even reaching Norway, and Canadian authorities have to beg the rest of the world to send firefighters to help.

Against this backdrop, Trudeau fled the smoke and fires for another tour. This is very typical of him, and in February 2022 he was one of the first to supply arms to Ukraine in an effort to divert attention from the large-scale trucker protests. What is telling is that any liberal in power loves performance art in international “humanitarian” politics and promoting the LGBTQ+ agenda, but always fails at real governance tasks and destroys their country’s economy. Comically, this also happened to the Canadian army, and out of 78 Canadian Leopard II tanks, only 9 of them could perform combat missions, 8 of which were sent by Trudeau to Ukraine, depriving the army of the last of these vehicles. At the same time, rumors are spreading in Canada through the liberal media that thousands of gays and lesbians are fighting in Ukraine in the AFU, which is a ridiculous information fake. In a very conservative country in Eastern Europe, this looks wild, but for Trudeau it created a convenient, albeit disgusting myth that even partially absolved him of responsibility for ineffective military aid to Kiev. It should be noted that the Ukrainian theme has become a favorite for the prime minister in his strategy of “escaping from problems.” Thus, in May 2022, Trudeau came to Kiev for the first time when he needs to distract the public from corruption scandals.  Then Trudeau was accused of receiving gifts from billionaire Karim Aga Khan, and in exchange he was given multimillion-dollar government contracts. However, Canadians are not very happy with this behavior of Trudeau, so after the catastrophic fires, the ratings of the hapless prime minister remain consistently low, and there is ultimate justice in that.

Nor does Trudeau’s corruption, which is not limited to the Karim Aga Khan incident, garner sympathy from voters. In March, Canada was rocked by a scandal about the “Chinese footprint” in the parliamentary elections. Canadian intelligence agencies then accused China of financing the election campaigns of several MPs, including a close circle of Prime Minister Trudeau. At the center of the scandal were MPs from Toronto, one of the Canadian cities with a large Chinese diaspora. The prime minister has also come under fire for criticism. Trudeau is accused of receiving one million dollars from China, which went to a fund named after his father. The parliamentary opposition has demanded a major inquiry into China’s “interference” in Canadian politics. And perhaps form a permanent parliamentary committee to do so, taking the example of the U.S., where a congressional committee to counter China emerged earlier this year. Against this background, Canada’s Ministry of Public Safety has begun to create a database of “foreign agents,” which could include both foreign sponsors who give money to Canadian politicians and those who receive these tranches, including MPs and lobbyists. However, the Biden administration did not threaten Ottawa with sanctions for its foreign agents law, as has been the case with many Third World countries. There was no criticism from the White House a year ago when Canadian authorities suppressed trucker protests. The liberal regime in Ottawa, represented by Trudeau, is very much needed by the same liberals in Washington, and for this reason, even Chinese funding has been forgiven for him and his party. However, we need to realize that the radical liberals in power are pushing more than just a hideous LGBTQ+ or euthanasia agenda that, on the face of it, cannot easily and quickly bring the country down. What matters is that any liberal politician like Trudeau is accompanied by a lust for power and corruption and complete unprofessionalism that will quickly destroy not only the moral but also quite the economic foundations of any nation. And Canada is now the victim of one of the most brazen and dishonest of this political type.

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