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Pride Month is over long time ago, but the racial-gender madness won’t leave the U.S. for much longer

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Pride Month was over in summer, but that has not canceled out the rampant leftist insanity that shakes the U.S. in almost every sphere, constantly pushing the country to the edge of the abyss. Recently, this disease has not bypassed American science, which has been shaken by yet another scandal. The president of Stanford University, one of the most prestigious in the U.S., resigned after his team was accused of fabricating research data. He is a renowned neuroscientist who, manipulated statistics from experiments on Alzheimer’s patients. This is not the first year that such scandals have haunted American scientists. Back in 2017, the journal Nature published a revealing article, where its authors found that in 70% of all scientific articles, the results of studies or experiments are simply impossible to reproduce. A similar conclusion was reached in 2015 at the University of Virginia, where they randomly examined data from 100 scientific publications. And only 39 of them managed to somehow reproduce the final results. All the rest were fabricated or fitted to the “correct” result.

What does this have to do with the “progressive agenda”? The fact is that the social and even natural sciences today have special problems, which are reduced to a general ideologization with the imposition of a racial and gender agenda. There, it is no longer just a question of putting numbers to a desired result, but of refusing to look at problems other than from the angle of “intersectional feminism” or “critical racial theory.” These scandals are hitting the reputation of higher education and, among other things, leading to a drop in enrollment. The percentage of high school graduates entering college has fallen from 69% to 61%, a 20-year low. In particular, university enrollment is often abandoned by white males who don’t want to repent for their “white privilege” there. The drop in enrollment is already causing colleges serious financial difficulties, and the bubble in the higher education loan market is beginning to burst.

The aggressive promotion of the “agenda” continues at the municipal level as well, with New York City officials paying a record $13 million dollars in compensation to those arrested for BLM protests in the summer of 2020. The 1,380 arrestees sued New York City for $10,000 each for “human rights violations.” The plaintiffs accused the police of improper use of force because some of the demonstrators were beaten before being arrested. But no one will be punished for this, as all police officers were granted immunity. And New York, by paying off those arrested with compensation, has set a dangerous precedent, and now there will be even more people who want to pogrom and then sue for money. This is in stark contrast to the treatment of Trump supporters protesting at the Capitol. No compensation will be paid to them. On the contrary, criminal cases against them are still ongoing, and thousands of people have already gone through prosecutorial pressure. Many are being held in solitary confinement in horrible conditions, and now they are trying to accuse Trump of organizing the riot. It is indicative that criminal cases against BLM and Antifa rioters have been closed since Biden took office, and before the 2024 election they are also paying them compensation to buy their loyalty. And that’s taking into account the fact that the total insured damage from the summer of riots in 2020 exceeded 2 billion dollars, because the police even then, under pressure from the Democrats, were not particularly active in preventing the protests. Since then, law enforcement has been further reduced in many liberal metropolitan areas, which quickly led to an upsurge in crime. And the next time the right occasion arises, such as Trump’s election victory, but no one will interfere with the rioters. The tactics of controlled chaos, tested in 2020, will then be fully applied.

However, amidst the general horror, there are rare manifestations of common sense and fairness, and the harsh reality is forcing American corporations to give up playing games of “progressive” ideology.  The victims of the current crisis are “diversity and inclusion directors.” A couple of years ago, they were actively hired to show their “progressiveness” and commitment to liberal ideology, but now they are being actively discarded on the basis of pure commerce. And the example is being set by giants like Disney, Neftlix and Warner Brothers. All of them are not doing well, only Disney has suffered a billion dollar loss on its latest films, which actively imposed a racial-gender agenda or LGBTQ+ propaganda. Starting in 2020, large companies have begun to be required to meet quotas for hiring women and minorities on their governing bodies. There was no real benefit to appointing directors based on the “right” skin color or gender, but without it, companies could, for example, lose their place in the S&P stock index. Now the situation has changed somewhat, because the Supreme Court has decided to ban the practice of “affirmative action”, in particular the already mentioned selection of applicants on the basis of race in universities. And in the Republican Congress, they threaten to investigate companies or banks that promote a racially gendered agenda. For example, in Florida, Ron DeSantis has already waged an all-out war on Disney, which was stripped of its tax credits.

In addition, the economic situation continues to deteriorate. The number of corporate bankruptcies in the first half of 2023 in the U.S. has already exceeded the figures for the whole of 2022. America is predicted to go into recession soon, so it is no longer possible to play “diversity” by living on cheap credit. It is necessary to survive in the new harsh conditions or go bankrupt, and the extent to which American business is ready to rebuild will become clear in the near future. However, such transformations are possible only in the sphere of private companies, where profit is the main goal. In the public sphere, ideology remains the main measure, and for the umpteenth time the American army has become a victim of the agenda. In the Pentagon there were big reshuffles, and Biden changed the head of the U.S. Navy and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. However, this happened against the opinion of Democratic Secretary of Defense Austin, which has already led to an apparatus confrontation within the U.S. military establishment. And it quickly found a simple explanation, because the new head of the Navy for the first time became a woman, namely Vice Admiral Lisa Franchetti. In the past, she commanded the U.S. Sixth Fleet, and was responsible for the 2018 missile strikes on Syria, among other things, before being moved to command aircraft carriers in South Korea. The choice of Franchetti was undoubtedly gender-based, because Biden really wanted to put a woman in charge of the Navy. And if the racial-gender madness continues even in the U.S. military, the country will be immersed in it for years to come, and will either be cured sooner or later, or even will suffer the most unpredictable and tragic fate. 

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