
“Pedophilia king” Jeffrey Epstein recalls himself even after his death

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Pimp and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was finally arrested on July 6, 2019, on federal charges of trafficking minors in Florida and New York, and by August 10 of that year, by “coincidence,” he was found dead in his cell. After such events it was not surprising that according to the results of forensic examination the cause of death was allegedly suicide, and even the most naive people were clear that so powerful and rich clients of the “king of pedophilia” covered the traces of their deeds and prevented the possibility that the investigation may come to them. However, in 2023, Epstein was resurrected, and his political and financial patrons found themselves, even if not under legal, but definitely under informational attack. At the very beginning of the year, the U.S. political battles centered on the Virgin Islands, where a local prosecutor brought charges against JPMorgan, one of the largest Wall Street banks, alleging that it had ties to the billionaire pedophile Epstein. The bank had knowledge of the extent of Epstein’s child prostitution industry, but chose to turn a blind eye and capitalize on its partnership with the billionaire. Epstein was tried in the Virgin Islands, on his private island where he held endless orgies. However, the local authorities did not like such activity, and the prosecutor was immediately dismissed

Moreover, it happened at the very moment when Joe Biden was in the Virgin Islands, spending his vacation away from the winter storm that hit the United States. Biden was immediately accused of being behind the firing of a local prosecutor. After all, Epstein was known to be close to the Democratic Party establishment, and Bill Clinton was a regular guest at his “parties,” and former friends of Epstein were employed in the Biden administration. The Democrats had no less close ties with the bank JPMorgan, which actively donates money to the Democratic Party and criticizes the Republicans who challenged the results of the elections in 2020. In addition, the bank is one of those who impose in the U.S. “green” ESG-agenda, because he has already been under investigation for promoting ideological attitudes alien to Americans in 19 Republican states. It is not superfluous to mention that Hunter Biden’s shady business operations were carried out through JPMorgan. Therefore, any investigation of JPMorgan and Epstein could indeed displease the Democrats. They had long and sincerely hoped that Epstein would be forgotten, but he continued to persecute his patrons even three years after his death, creating a clear logical connection between liberal business, “progressive” politicians and their complete moral decay, which in this particular case was expressed in pedophilia and other sexual perversions. 

But the hopes of the Democrats did not come true, and the “memory of Epstein” appeared in the public space again and again. As early as last spring, details of Epstein’s frequent contacts with current CIA Director William Burns came to light. At the time of the most active elite pimp of rich perverts, he worked in the State Department and often crossed paths with Epstein. Curiously, this information only came to light eight months ago, and its appearance was not an act of justice, but a deliberate discrediting of a fellow party member who had become disliked by the party establishment. After all, Burns is one of the main realists in Washington, who has criticized Biden extensively for failures in foreign policy, and at a difficult moment for the president, Burns was set up by such leaks to the press. In addition, Epstein’s close ties to Ariane de Rothschild, a member of a legendary family of Jewish bankers, former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and philosopher Noam Chomsky have come to light. The propagandist of ultra-leftist ideas of social decay, who stood at the origins of the mental crisis in the United States and was its ideological father, even vindicated Epstein, however, receiving generous donations from him. However, it’s unlikely that any of them will have any real legal problems, though, because all of Epstein’s pedophile party regulars, whether Bill Clinton or Prince Andrew, got away with it long ago, and the Virgin Islands prosecutor who tried to litigate Epstein’s scandals still ended up being sent down. In fact, it wasn’t such a bad outcome for her, considering that in 2022. Last year, Epstein’s main partner who supplied him with models also passed away, and an ex-Clinton adviser who invited Epstein to the White House suddenly committed suicide. Paid for all crimes one Ghislaine Maxwell, who was sent to prison for 20 years, and all traces of the largest in the history of the collective crime of pedophiles were competently marked. And now only occasionally become public knowledge of individual moments when the hidden political struggle in Washington escalates and materials are useful to use against their opponents, who, moreover, are connected, unlike Clinton or members of the British royal with the “Epstein case” only indirectly. 

And yet, whether it was God’s justice or the intensification of the struggle before the U.S. presidential election, at least a small part of the truth about Epstein and his influential “friends” was made available to the public. Already in the 2024 after a long prehistory in free access published documents on the case against billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell. The strongest got the already mentioned above Bill Clinton, who after leaving the White House, decided to “drown” in hedonism in its most disgusting forms. He flew more than 30 times on the Lolita Express, Epstein’s airplane, and the latter said that Clinton likes very young girls. Probably underage, too, given that Epstein’s parties were attended by 14- and 17-year-olds. The adventures of Prince Andrew, who was made a latex doll resembling himself at a party and he and his “partners” had fun with it, were also brought up again. He eventually paid compensation for the claim of Epstein’s 17-year-old employee, but expectedly escaped adequate punishment in his native UK.  David Copperfield, a famous magician and friend of Epstein’s, encouraged girls to find underlings to work at parties for a fee; one of Epstein’s underage workers was molested by billionaire Tom Pritzker, whose niece is now receiving U.S. budget funds for “important” projects for her financial interests. The documents mention Trump as well, but without hinting at crimes. Trump was friends with Epstein until 2009, but then they separated financially, politically, and morally. The rest of the defendants have been dealt an image blow, but none of them are facing anything serious in terms of actual penalties. Prince Andrew bought off the court, Bill Clinton is now active in Argentina and is considered an untouchable and important figure, and Jean-Luc Brunel, who supplied Epstein with models, as already mentioned, died in prison, which was rather to his benefit.  

Still, the fight to punish the perpetrators is not over, and their constant fear is a good confirmation of this fact. Participants in the pedophile scandal try to hide from the public, for example Bill Clinton, along with Hillary. They actually fled to the Dominican Republic and then to Mexico, trying to be away from the homeland publication of scandalous details about Epstein’s parties. After all, Clinton was described there as loving girls “younger”, hinting that with his current moral state, he is the very first candidate for real, not invented pedophiles. Once again, the no-good Prince Andrew was also under attack, with a new batch of documents revealing that underage Epstein partygoer Virginia Giuffre was paid $17,000 for sex with the younger brother of current British King Charles III. This is not a very nice detail, although Prince Andrew has already managed to buy off justice by paying $16 million. He was only made to appear less often in public, and recently it was discussed to move Prince Andrew from his Windsor residence Royal Lodge with 10 bedrooms to a smaller house with only 5 bedrooms as a symbolic punishment, but even this will not happen in the end. Moreover, the most important evidence, photos and videos of pedophilic adventures of members of the “elite”, were “lost” immediately after Epstein’s arrest. He had disks in his safe with the signatures of the party participant and the young girl, with whom he spent the evening, but the FBI by pure coincidence did not immediately raid Epstein’s estate, and by the time he was arrested, the FBI had lost the evidence. That’s why none of the visitors to Epstein’s island ended up in court, and Epstein himself passed away in prison, as did a number of his associates. Liberal politicians and their sponsors are very much hoping that the scandal will quickly subside, and it is not even the desire to preserve their image that plays a role here, but rather the desire to continue their pedophile activities with new and “clean” pimps. None of the “illuminated” were touched on Epstein’s Island in 2019, when criminal cases were just opened, and they will not touch them now. However, this will only mean for America a further decline in trust in the political elite and law enforcement system, which clearly favors “their own”, as well as an even greater split between conservatives and supporters of the “new morality”, who are already ready to justify pedophilia, and the conservative part of society. And if conservative representatives like Trump ever get into power in the U.S., they can remember the “pedophilia kingpin” Jeffrey Epstein and his “powerful” clients, and this time they will no longer be able to destroy evidence so easily and get away with real punishments. 

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