The FBI used censorship on Twitter with success, but the Pentagon did not
Censorship in social networks and the manipulation of public opinion through special services, such as the FBI and the CIA, can be understood. Yes, it...
Elon Musk and the White House struggle: the situation of the front between Christmas and the New Year
Elon Musk has probably become the main newsmaker of American politics over the past three months. Each time, his political weight is growing, and the...
As they bid farewell to the House of Representatives, Democrats lavish on Ukraine and professional corruption, but at the same time rob U.S. citizens
The Democrats had lost control of the House of Representatives as a result of the November 8 elections, and so Christmas preparations were especially troublesome...
FTX: a showy corrupt stock speculator in the service of the Democrats
FTX was an unscrupulous and amoral stockbroker, ruthlessly robbing naive citizens, and seemed to ordinary Americans the archetypal image of the liberal Wall Street occupier,...
More intelligence agencies and more spying on American social networks
Not a while ago, we, as well as Jack Posobiec, expressed some suppositions, which have been completely justified. It has become known that FBI agents...
The FBI interferences with Twitter: it’s not that bad, it’s much worse
Social networks have long been under the scrutiny of U.S. intelligence agencies: the FBI has interfered not only with Twitter, but also with other social...
Poland: between healthy economic patriotism and forced “allied duty” with its partners
After the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine, many EU countries had to urgently tear up their strong economic partnership with Russia, which had been...
Political results of the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar
On December 18, 2022, a magnificent World Cup final took place in Qatar, in which Argentina beat France 3-3 in regulation and extra time to...
Biden sacrifices national security for Brittney Griner, but in fact he is doing it for himself
The exchange of Brittney Griner for Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout well demonstrates the priorities of the administration of Joe Biden, who between the national...
Exposing “far-right conspirators” in Germany: a show in the best Orwellian tradition
The arrest of ideologically alien political criminals in Germany in the 1930s could hardly have surprised anyone. Nonetheless, at the beginning of the 21st century,...