Brawl in the Serbian Parliament: causes and consequences
The session of the Serbian Parliament, where the country's budget was to be adopted, ended in a mass brawl. The protracted physical conflict involving almost...
Heading for St. Petersburg: NATO uses the Baltics to attack Russia
The U.S. may authorize NATO to attack Russia across its northwestern borders with the alliance's contingent in the Baltics. For the current government in Washington,...
U.S. election results: the “reds” won, while the “blues” are shocked by their naiveté
The presidential campaign showed the weakness of the Democrats at the strategic and ideological levels. They made the wrong bet on Kamala Harris, got the...
Against the backdrop of Labor’s first failures, the situation in the UK is heating up and the “far-right” is gaining strength
Unpopular reforms of the Labor Party are ruining the party's ratings and turning residents against the government. The opposition is taking advantage of this, gaining...
Austria takes a turn to the right, scaring liberals on both sides of the Atlantic
Austria's parliamentary elections were won by the right-wing FPÖ party, ideologically close to Viktor Orbán. For the first time, it had a chance to form...
How “Trumpists” and “Democrats” converged in Poland ahead of the American elections
Poland is politically dependent on America, with events in the country seriously affecting the establishment of the Eastern European country. The U.S. presidential election provoked...
The U.S. election is over but the struggle continues
The presidential election is over, and no one will try to revise its results but the struggle in the Democrats and in the ranks of...
Kamala Harris gets “sucked in” by the election campaign
Harris made many tactical and rhetorical mistakes, the consequences of which she tried to buy in the run-up to the election. The Democrats' blunders played...
New York City is a symbol of the most miserable liberal metropolis in the United States
Democrat rule turns cities into ghettos with high levels of crime and corruption. This is a consequence of liberal policies with many concessions to migrants,...
Revolution in Bangladesh: a Generation Z uprising or a political conflict of great nations?
In the course of student protests, the country changed its government. The formal reason for the rallies was strong social inequality. But the real reason...