
NYC Mayor Adams has big problems brought to him by “his” Democrats

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On the surface, the Democratic Party appears to be more united and cohesive than the Republicans, who are torn between neoconservatives and Trumpists and whose conflicts are made public by the constant confrontation in Congress. In reality, however, the party is split both by the ideological confrontation between the liberal-conservative and left wing and by the competition between its most prominent representatives for leadership, who are searching for political and financial opportunities. And the victim of this struggle at the end of 2023, following the head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Bob Menendez, was the not too successful in recent times mayor of New York City, Eric Adams. He was recently reaping the fruits of his disagreements with Joe Biden: on November 11, FBI agents made a whole show, and right in the middle of the streets of the “Big Apple” searched the city mayor, taking away all his devices. They did it as part of an investigation into Adams and his subordinates taking bribes from Turkish lobbyists. Adams’ aide, who is accused of having corrupt ties with Ankara, has already fallen under the investigation. Adams himself openly admitted that he often visits Turkey, although the mayor of New York, ideally, should be expected to deal with the problems of his metropolis, not to spend time on vacation with Turkish politicians and businessmen. 

Sadly, one must realize that this is not a punishment for ignoring the city’s problems, and Adams, being a Democrat, simply found himself in a tough confrontation with Biden’s team. The fact is that since the beginning of the year, New York has been flooded with tens of thousands of illegal immigrants, and this has led to a humanitarian disaster, because there was simply nowhere to house them. Adams, in order to absolve himself of responsibility, actively criticized the White House for its unwillingness to solve the migration crisis, which provoked the presidential administration to retaliate. In addition, the connection with the Turks became a good reason for the prosecution, because the omnipotence of “Erdogan’s people” was also bad for Biden’s image, causing disgust among many Democrats and Republicans. Moreover, it was a chance to justify his punishment, showing the fight against “Turkish domination”. In this light, the resulting criminal case may well have been a “retaliatory action” taken by Biden’s apparatchiks at the Justice Department with the tools at their disposal. In addition to all of the above bonuses, they have made it clear that they are prepared to attack not only Trump, but also Biden’s opponents in the Democratic Party with criminal cases. Adams’ approval ratings are low today amid rising crime and an influx of illegals, and therefore it’s logical to attack him. In addition, he is clearly not going to be re-elected, given the fact that he took office with scandals and irregularities in the 2022 primaries, which in liberal New York are similar to the final elections. Still, it is important to note that the current blow to Adams is also a blow to the Turkish lobby in the United States. Senator Menendez, who we wrote above was a lobbyist for Armenians and Greeks, was recently arrested, and now Turkey’s lobbyists are also being nudged to balance things out. True, this will complicate any attempts of the White House to hastily negotiate with Ankara on the war in Gaza, but apparently the Turks’ insolence has already crossed all limits and Washington is ready for such sacrifices. The New York City Hall is paralyzed by the judicial confrontation, and the metropolis continues to be covered with pro-Palestinian rallies, coincidentally very favorable to Erdogan and ignored by Adams, making the situation in the city even more critical. 

The chaos in the city during Adams’ mayoralty was very multifaceted, and primarily boiled down to neither political issues nor socio-economic distress, which a mayor’s office preoccupied with “high politics” was precisely unwilling to address. Against the backdrop of a massive migration crisis, Eric Adams began drastic cuts in social and law enforcement spending. New York City police officers were already actively laid off after the BLM rallies, and now their staff will be cut by 14%. These are forced measures because the city budget is facing a huge hole due to falling tax revenues and huge migrant spending. Republican states continue to deport illegals to New York, and since the beginning of the year, more than 120,000 migrants have already arrived there. They have to be housed in schools and nursing homes, and the cost of housing illegals is already running into the billions of dollars. Adams, apparently trying to attract federal funds, actively criticized Biden for his unwillingness to solve the migration crisis, but miscalculated and ran into a criminal case. Already after the “street show” he was systematically searched in the case of receiving bribes from Turkish lobbyists. In the process, it turned out that Adams attended as many as 80 events of the Turkish side and traveled to Istanbul as to his home, and he also agreed to bypass the law to quickly open a Turkish consulate in New York. It should be understood that Adams is far from the only lobbyist breaking the law and is simply being punished for his disloyalty to Biden. The situation in New York will get worse in the political crisis, although the crime rate is already setting records, jumping to 32% in the last 15 years. As the police force shrinks, the rampant crime will get worse, because the flow of criminal migrants will only increase. New York City rivals other “democratic” cities like San Francisco or Chicago in the rate of degradation, but all liberal U.S. metropolitan areas are rapidly slipping into a state of already unmanageable chaos, and Adams is the obvious culprit of mismanagement here. 

It is also important that the humanitarian catastrophe in New York City due to the influx of migrants did not begin yesterday, and was clearly manifested back in the spring. In October, Mayor Eric Adams already wanted to organize his own tour of Latin American countries, trying to convince them not to send crowds of illegals to storm the southern border of the United States and to call for “progressive solidarity” given that, most of the leaders of these countries are leftists like him. Similarly, in 2021, Kamala Harris offered Latin America money for stopping migration flows. Since then, however, the crisis has only continued to worsen, with 300,000 illegals storming the U.S. border in August. It was then that Republican states immediately began deporting migrants to New York, Chicago and other “strongholds” of the Democratic Party, and it was the Big Apple that became the epicenter of these events. And the flow has only accelerated, and now 600-800 migrants arrive in the city every day. There is nowhere to accommodate them, and schools, nursing homes, and mental hospitals, which are not designed for this purpose at all, have to be given over to migrants, which leads to a crisis in the social sphere. Besides, Adams failed to convince anyone in Latin America to help the U.S. Mexican President Lopez Obrador then sharply criticized Washington, demanding that the money be spent not on the Ukrainian or Taiwanese conflict, but on humanitarian needs. Venezuela, whose migrants have even planted their flags on the American border to sway the situation in the United States, has also taken advantage of the chaos in the U.S.

Even in recent times, Adams’ miscalculations have been limited to more than just migration. For example, in September, New York was flooded again and another “sudden” cyclone led to the collapse of the city system. By good tradition, the New York authorities delayed until the last minute to avoid declaring a state of emergency, and Eric Adams was partying at his party sponsors and reported the emergency four hours after the hurricane downpour began. This has long been a “good tradition” for New York, and similarly, the Democrats in charge of the city missed Hurricane Ida in 2021, which killed 50 people. Then, as in September, the entire metropolis was flooded, subway work stopped, and streets turned into rivers. The disaster once again exposed the problems with the storm water drainage system. It is ancient in New York, and it is cleaned only once every five years, that is why the storm drainage system cannot cope even with ordinary downpours, let alone hurricanes, and there is simply no money for its modernization of the city infrastructure, because only to solve the migration crisis New York needs $12 billion, and the hole in the budget can reach almost $40 billion. It is indicative that Adams blamed “global warming” for all the disasters, but not himself. But the population understands everything, and that is why locals are leaving New York, which has already lost 5% of its population since 2020. These processes, with the flight of the middle class and its demographic replacement by illegals, are accelerating the emergence of new ghettos in New York, turning it into another failed liberal paradise like Detroit. Control over just such a city is now in danger of being lost to Adams, who is caught in a very revealing double bind. On the one hand, he has finally named the culprits for his city’s problems, held the White House responsible, and for this just action has come under politically motivated prosecution. But, on the other hand, he was in fact guilty not only of illegal lobbying for Turkish interests, but, first of all, of betraying the needs of his own constituents, which made his fate quite expected and prevented any pity for him.

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