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Elon Musk and the White House struggle: the situation of the front between Christmas and the New Year

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Elon Musk has probably become the main newsmaker of American politics over the past three months. Each time, his political weight is growing, and the actions he is taking are increasingly changing the U.S. electoral landscape in the frame of the upcoming presidential election of 2024. All this time, we have been closely following Musk, and began to tell the story of his political struggle with Joe Biden at the very beginning of November, when he entered a kind of “presidential race”, although by birthright he cannot claim the presidency of the country. The White House already appreciated all the danger posed by Musk and began to threaten him with a national security investigation for his unwillingness to provide free services of his Starlink satellite system.

Nevertheless, the joy of the Democratic establishment did not last long, and a week later Musk formalized the acquisition of Twitter which became the most powerful weapon in his hands. Unfortunately, he did not have the time to fully experience its information capabilities before the congressional elections of the November 8. However, at the beginning of December, the billionaire began bombarding the Democratic Party with obvious compromising evidence that he got from the previous owners of the social network. We have already written about how Musk revealed the political repression of Twitter functionaries and their customers against ex-president Donald Trump, as well as the role of FBI agents embedded in the organization in censorship. We did not bypass the topic of “purges” organized by Musk on Twitter against “liberal journalists” who joyfully covered the violation of human rights. These journalists faced mass layoffs not only due to Musk’s “evil” will, but also due to the objective loss of audience confidence in liberal media such as CNN or the Washington Post. However, December was so full of Musk’s revelations that the rest of them require a separate discussion.

The first blow of compromising evidence in this series of the endless Twittergate hit not only on the Democratic Party as a fraudulent organization, but also personally the son of the current owner of the White House, Hunter Biden. Elon Musk released the first batch of Twitter internal documents on censorship back on December 3rd. Among them, it turned out that in 2020, the Democratic National Committee regularly demanded that Twitter remove various posts that they did not like, referring to the fact that they were “fake”. The Democrats were especially persistent in demanding that the social network should stop discussing Hunter Biden’s laptop and his corruption. They feared that this could affect the outcome of the election in the same way as it happened with Hillary Clinton’s mail scandal in 2016. Ultimately, Twitter decided to remove Hunter’s corruption posts on the grounds that the information had been obtained “through a hacker attack.” Everyone knew that in reality the data came from Hunter’s laptop, which he left in the Delaware workshop, but the Democratic bureaucrats and their colleagues were not smart enough to create a valid version on their controlled social network. The Democrats did not shy away from threats against the doubting employees of Twitter. They explicitly stated that freedom of speech is a value only when it works in their interests. Not surprisingly, after the first revelations, the Republicans threatened their opponents with an investigation into the use of such dirty “electoral technologies”.

At the beginning, the Democratic Party and its supporters chose to simply ignore the revelations. Elon Musk responded by accusing liberal media like the NYTimes of being indifferent towards such an important topic. He called them primitive lobbyists for the interests of the Democrats, which has been no secret to most Americans for the past 10 years. However, the “progressive public” was not shy about either participating in informational repressions or concealing their conduct with any immoral acts being considered as “pleasant” for the sake of defeating Trump. The ex-president answered them with the same coin, and called for the annulment of the unfair election results in 2020. It turned out that the “democratic” censors were persecuting not only Trump, but also his Brazilian associate Bolsonaro. Against this background, Musk clearly began to position himself as a fighter for justice so that the upcoming presidential elections in 2024 can be hold fairly.

However, when it was no longer possible to ignore the topic of censorship, the establishment in the White House began to use tougher measures and decided to hit Musk’s finances. The billionaire managed to heroically overcome the consequences of a campaign calling on advertisers to leave Twitter. Some big advertisers like Apple and Amazon even returned to the social network, which improved the company’s financial situation. Commercial motivations to advertise on one of the largest platforms prevailed over dubious political considerations. Nonetheless, the liberals did not rest on this and launched a federal investigation into Neuralink, also owned by Musk. This time the reason was one of the sacred cows of the radical democrats: the struggle for animal rights sine many human rights activists have long accused Neuralink of animal cruelty.

So, as part of its experiments since 2018, the company’s scientists have killed more than 1,500 animals, on which they tried to implant chips in the nervous brain system. If earlier this was perceived as excessive and absurd accusations, after Musk’s purchase of Twitter, it became a “violation of all ethical norms” that can no longer be tolerated. Neuralink planned to start human trials in six months but now it can get stuck in judicial wars for a long time and suffer heavy losses. Furthermore, this investigation is rather exotic since the rest of the accusations are more banal, but much more serious. Musk is simultaneously under investigation by the Federal Trade Commission, which is trying to find violations of the law in the deal to buy Twitter. In addition, he is threatened with national security investigations over allegations of ties to Russia and China. More recently, another investigation was launched against Musk: San Francisco authorities accuse him of violating labor laws by laying off many employees and requiring the remaining staff to work until late at night.

The political scandals around Elon Musk and the downturn in the financial markets led to the fact that he lost his status as the absolute leader in the list of the richest people in the world. If at the end of 2021 his fortune was estimated at 300 billion dollars, now it has decreased to 185 billion. However, on the other hand, his political weight and support for his fight against media censorship in American society is growing, which can always allow him to return the lost funds and become even richer. Recent polls show that 52% of Americans think Musk’s actions are right. At the same time, among Democrats, 60% have a negative attitude towards him, but in the Republican camp, his rating has already reached 85%, which is even higher than the ones of Trump. A clear political goal encourages Musk to keep purging Twitter. In December, he fired James Baker, a member of the social network’s supervisory board. In the past, James Baker held one of the leading positions in the FBI and became a “victim” of Musk’s struggle with the dominance in the network of intelligence officers being disloyal to him. Baker turned out to be one of the most malicious of them, and tried to sabotage Musk’s decisions. In particular, he delayed the publication of documents exposing censorship, checking them for the presence of classified data that could possibly be related to the work of U.S. intelligence agencies. Musk is being forced to understand that he will have even more financial problems if he continues to get involved in politics. However, the effect is completely opposite, and the billionaire has more and more motivation to support Trump or DeSantis as main opponents of the Democratic Party in the elections in 2024.

On the wave of his confidence and enthusiasm, Elon Musk released the second part of the revelations of censorship on Twitter on December 10. He revealed the technical component of censorship and it turned out that every account that has special marks or specific content was simply considered acceptable to “democratic” censors. If the account is publishing unwanted content, then its audience coverage was artificially reduced. To do this, the censors had many tools. They could, for example, arrange a full-fledged “informal” ban so that the user’s content was not shown to subscribers. They could also set a block to show the user in the search, which slowed down the growth of subscribers for him. Posts from the “correct” accounts, on the contrary, were shown to users more often than the norm. And those who publish objectionable content fell into the “black list”, and over time could be at risk of a complete blocking of the accounts. The most famous case was the blocking of the account of ex-president Donald Trump, for which the decision was taken at the very top of Twitter management. Democrats on Twitter created not just a mechanism for censorship, but a model for the totalitarian manipulation of public opinion. Now this weapon has fallen into the hands of the unfriendly Musk. He, however, promised not to abuse it, but to make it in contrary more open to Americans.

Finally, Musk took a detailed look at the technical side of the attack on Donald Trump’s account. Censorship against Trump began even before the 2020 election. The censors in their internal correspondence actively discussed, literally, every Trump tweet. Tweets regarding criticism of the electoral process or accusations of fraud attracted particular attention. Many critical tweets of the election were flagged as “problematic” by FBI and Homeland Security agents who had a direct channel to Twitter, and even dubious evidence of their inconsistency with the “facts” was frantically searched for. The social network artificially reduced the display of Trump’s tweets, even if they contained quite truthful information, even by liberal standards. In the same time, critical messages against Trump were also unscrupulously “pulled up”. The task of destruction of information from the former president was so important that the work was carried out without interruption and was almost done in manual mode. It is likely that in January we will have new portions of revelations, and the same radical attacks from the White House against Musk. The confrontation between Musk and Biden in December last year was probably the most exciting one but 2023 promises us to greatly surpass the intensity of this struggle.

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One thought on “Elon Musk and the White House struggle: the situation of the front between Christmas and the New Year

  1. Reading your article helped me a lot and I agree with you. But I still have some doubts, can you clarify for me? I’ll keep an eye out for your answers.

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