
Donald Trump and Hunter Biden in a new crime story

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The last six months have turned into one continuous court war between Democrats and Republicans, who are racing to prosecute Donald Trump or Hunter Biden, seeing their prosecution as a key political victory to be achieved at all costs. The Democrats’ motivations are more sweeping, and they have been relentless in their efforts to remove Trump from the election. In the fall, they came up with another crazy plan in which lawmakers in California proposed that the state attorney general decide in advance to disqualify Trump for allegedly “sedition” by storming the Capitol. Prosecutors theoretically have the authority to do so even without a court order.  However, if such a procedure is initiated, Trump’s staff will definitely try to restore his candidacy through the court, although it will take effort and money, which is already a small success for the Democrats. If the experience proves successful, the example of California may be followed by other states where Democrats are in power.

It should be understood that this would set a very dangerous precedent. After all, then the Republican states will deny Biden access to the elections because of corruption scandals. This would risk collapsing the entire system of elections in the United States and bring the country to the brink of civil confrontation. Such ideas arise because the Democratic Party is desperate and has no more moderate way out. Today’s polls already give Trump a lead of up to 10% over Biden, and the Republican candidate has 52% against the White House host’s 42%. Trump’s position has strengthened markedly in the primaries as well, and if the election were held soon, Trump would surely win. This problem is also the fact that even the most disciplined Democrats do not want to re-elect the ever-deteriorating Biden for a second term, and the left wing of the party is extremely negative towards him. The situation in America is regularly worsening: in August, a record 300,000 illegal immigrants crossed the border with Mexico, the crime rate is off the charts, and the economy is full of imbalances and mini-crises. The problems on the anti-Russia front in Ukraine and the war between Israel and Palestine don’t improve the situation either. This is the reason that the Democrats have to try to remove their main opponent from the election, flouting all legal and moral norms, even though it threatens to plunge the whole of America into the abyss of infighting.

The opposition responds with similar actions, and the Republicans in Congress have discovered new evidence against the U.S. president. His son Hunter Biden received transfers from China, and even without hiding anything indicated the address of their receipt of his father’s house in Delaware. In the same house not so long ago were found secret documents of Biden. In total, they earned tens of millions of dollars on gray schemes. Biden Sr. tried to deny it, but now his involvement in his son’s corrupt affairs is becoming obvious, being the basis for impeachment in Congress. Against this background, the judicial pressure on Trump is also increasing. The court has authorized New York Attorney General Letitia James to charge Trump with fraud for inflating the value of his real estate, which he used as collateral to obtain loans from banks. It’s a civil suit, and Trump at worst faced only a fine, not removal from the election. But it’s important that this was a ticket to big politics for the attorney general, because she literally ran on a promise to sue Trump. And Letitia James was hoping to score political points to then get elected governor of New York. Hearings in that case began in October, but since January, Trump has already had to fend off criminal prosecution in four other cases that are much more serious. So far, however, the prosecutors’ attacks have only added to Trump’s popularity, and he has begun to overtake Biden by an even greater margin. Americans sympathize with Trump, but that no longer applies to Biden, mired in his own corruption scandals.

Meanwhile, in early October, Trump appeared in New York for a fraud hearing. He immediately harshly criticized the actions of the local prosecutor’s office, calling the tactics of state Attorney General Letitia James a “horror movie” and her a black racist. In New York, Trump has been accused of inflating the value of his real estate. For example, the residence in Mar-a-Lago Trump estimated at 180 million dollars, and prosecutors believe that its real value is 10 times less. However, Trump’s lawyers logically point out that the prices of neighboring mansions are many times higher than the prosecutor’s estimates. In total, Trump is accused of “addition” to the state of an extra 2 billion dollars, and this is the prosecutor’s office and considers fraud, because he took loans on the security of real estate. The court considered the arguments of the prosecutor’s office partly fair, so allowed to sue Trump. The suit is civil, and Trump will not face jail time, but in the worst case he risks losing a lot of real estate in New York, including the Trump Tower skyscraper and golf clubs, which will have to be given away for nothing by the court. Well, Letitia James is making a career out of harassing Trump, collecting donations from liberal “idiots” with his lawsuits. He probably has 4 more equally politicized trials ahead of him that will add even more credibility despite the high risks. All the past prosecutorial attacks initiated by the Democrats only add to Trump’s score, and his rating has risen above 60% in the primaries, making him the clear winner. And if the gap with Biden passes 10%, no amount of manipulation of the election results in Michigan or Pennsylvania will be able to keep the liberals in the White House. So, the persecution of Trump will only intensify, and it cannot be ruled out that in desperation they will soon make real attempts on his freedom and even his safety. In response, the Republicans will want to put Hunter Biden in jail for his already very real crimes.  Consequently, Donald Trump and Hunter Biden will appear more than once in the new “criminal chronicle” of the United States.

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