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Democrats on the warpath with Donald Trump as a major threat to their dominance

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On November 8, the long-awaited elections to the U.S. Congress were held, with the results barely partially summarized by early December. After that, there was talk that the Republicans had taken a majority in the House of Representatives by a slim margin, but their dreams of total domination, which they had been predicted before the election, had not come true. Many began to say that the main culprit for this “failure” was suddenly former President Donald Trump, who scared everyone away with his flamboyance and radicalism, and his “red tsunami” turned out to be only a breeze. This version began to be put forward not only by Democratic politicians and the media, who pathologically hate Trump, but also by so-called “moderate” Republicans, for whom the former president had become a burden. Some of them have even urged him to postpone announcing a presidential run in 2024 because of disappointing election results. Trivial domestic competition was also driven by a desire to return to the good old days of the 20th and 21st centuries, when there was no total social divide in the country and the two parties, slightly different from each other, took turns almost “on schedule” to occupy the White House. If Trump’s ideological differences with the Democratic left lie on the surface, for conservatives in both parties, he has become a symbol of a real threat to their established and stable peace.

But did the former president really screw up the Republican results so badly in the election and drag his own party down? Usually a “lame duck” in the ranks of political adversaries evokes ridicule, but not fierce hatred. The kind of “jihad” that Democrats have declared against Trump lately suggests that he is not a mental or old principled opponent, but remains a major threat to the Democratic Party in 2024. To begin with, the congressional elections have indeed been very difficult: some candidates loyal to Trump did lose, but many still ended up becoming congressmen, defeating their Democrats opponents. One of the most striking victories in the traditionally conflicted state of Ohio was won by 38-year-old “Trumpist” J. D. Vance with 53.6% of the vote against 46.4% for Democrat Tim Ryan, and Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the former press secretary of Trump, became the new governor of Arkansas. Donald Trump himself very deliberately admitted on his social media that the congressional election that took place was “kind of disappointing,” but still called it his “very big win.” Any sane American understands that the difficulties the Republicans faced had nothing to do with Donald Trump’s image, but with the total fraud that their Democratic opponents applied without any shame or faith.

The “main enemy of democracy” foresaw both these violations and a situation where the deterioration of the Republican result would be attributed not to postal voting and voter list fraud, but to the “negative aspects” of his person. Even during the voting, Donald Trump claimed massive “malfunctions” during the midterm elections in various cities and urged his supporters to come out to protest. American authorities immediately said that they saw no signs of “compromised” voting systems, but the same position was taken, paradoxically, by many “moderate” Republicans, who did not want to do anything to stop the violation of the law. The supposed stability was more important to them than the final winning result. In an interview with News Nation in early November, Trump said: “I think if the Republicans win, I should get all the credit, and if they lose, I should not be blamed at all. But it will probably be just the opposite.” He noted that when Republican candidates, even those he advised to run, win, they don’t give him credit for it, but they blame him for everything in case of difficulties and his words proved prophecy. It shows well the far-fetched nature of his guilt in Republican losses and clearly hints that it’s a little early to write Trump off. Apparently Trump was not lying when he called a CNN publication reporting that he was “furious” and “yelling at everyone” over the U.S. congressional election results fake. At this point, we can put an end to the purely electoral side of trying to smear Trump, and move on to the White House’s favorite legal pressure.

Donald Trump’s ongoing attempts to prosecute him are the best demonstration of his danger to the Joe Biden administration. However, prior to the November election, luck was not exactly favoring the Democrats on this issue. Thus, federal agents and prosecutors were forced to admit that former U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to keep official documents at the Mar-a-Lago residence was motivated by a desire to keep them as souvenirs, rather than a desire to harm national security or to turn them over to foreign intelligence. Trump has defiantly ignored the House Select Committee on the Capitol Assault of January 2021 by filing a countersuit against the “committee.” In addition, prosecutors did not pursue the originally far-fetched criminal charges against the previous lawyer of the former president Rudy Giuliani. On November 15, another important and unfortunate event for Democrats occurred: Trump did register as a presidential candidate for the 2024 election. Before that, an entire campaign had been launched against his nomination, with even former Vice President Mike Pence saying that Americans had “better options” than Donald Trump, and Nancy Pelosi calling this potential action “very bad news” for Biden.  To do something, advisers to U.S. President Joe Biden are developing a strategy for responding to Donald Trump’s political actions and statements. “Project Trump” is now underway in the West Wing of the White House, where experts are working to develop a plan for how Biden will respond to a steady stream of attacks from his opponent.

In the fight against Trump, the White House is showing strange enthusiasm.  It’s been six years since the 2016 presidential election, but Democrats keep trying to get their hands on Trump’s tax returns. In November, the Supreme Court did allow to submit them to Congress after the November 8 election. Traditionally, all presidents have released their tax returns, but Trump hasn’t. Democrats are convinced that there is something criminal lurking in this declaration. The reality is much more prosaic: Trump made big losses throughout the 90s and during the 2008 crisis. In recent years, he took advantage of those losses to save on taxes. There is no crime in this: any businessman will always take advantage of a legal opportunity to avoid paying taxes but it has become a convenient excuse for Democrats to accuse Trump of being unpatriotic. By requesting Hunter Biden’s tax returns, they even set a dangerous action, which Republicans will now exploit. The second son of the U.S. president will be the subject of a big investigation into the corruption of the entire Biden family, which the Republican majority in Congress plans to initiate in January.

In a legal sense, the Biden Administration responded quickly to Trump’s announcement of the presidential nomination. The U.S. Justice Department immediately appointed a special prosecutor to investigate all matters surrounding Trump. The special prosecutor position was given to Jack Smith, who in the past had investigated war crimes at the International Criminal Court in The Hague when Yugoslavia cases were handled there. The Justice Department thought that with the help of the special prosecutor they would be able to remove themselves from criticism in the politicization of justice. According to the plan of the White House lawyers, it is not the current government, represented by its political opponents, but an “independent” special prosecutor from The Hague who is trying to put Trump behind bars. Jack Smith will be in charge of two processes: the riots at the Capitol, which Democratic Party officials are trying to present as a “rebellion” against American democracy, as well as allegations of possession of secret documents at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence, where searches took place.  It is the special prosecutor who will get the right to decide what charges to bring against the former president and what punishment shall be taken. The ideal scenario for Democrats would have been Trump’s house arrest at Mar-a-Lago, which would have prevented him from campaigning properly but, as always, things don’t work out the way Biden wants.

The new special prosecutor for the Trump investigation, Jack Smith, was quickly found to be politically biased. It turned out that there was no impartiality on his part because his wife donated money to the Biden campaign and was the producer of a documentary about Michelle Obama. Jack Smith himself, during the Obama era, was directly involved in the tax harassment scandal against Republican NGOs before the 2012 election. The Republican NGOs were terrorized by tax audits, thus obstructing the campaign of Mitt Romney, who eventually lost to Obama. Apparently, the Smith’s experience was planned to be applied to Trump’s campaign as well. Obviously, a special prosecutor like Smith will do whatever the White House and the Department of Justice want in prosecuting Trump just to disrupt his participation in the election. Furthermore, Smith is not the only “tool” that has been taken up against Trump.

Famous journalist and author Jean Carroll, who previously accused him of attempting to rape her in the 1990s, has filed a new lawsuit. In 2019 Carroll accused Trump of trying to rape her in the 1990s. Trump strongly denied the allegations, calling them false, and assured that he had not met Carroll, suggesting that by attacking the president she was trying to sell her new book. In response, Carroll sued Trump for damages to her reputation. Trump filed a motion to stay the case in December 2020, but in September 2021 a judge in New York refused to dismiss the former president’s lawsuit against the journalist. In late September, Carroll’s attorneys filed a court document saying new charges were being prepared against Trump.

The popularity of Trump among ordinary Americans and concerns about his persona on the part of the White House in light of the restoration of his Twitter account was clearly demonstrated. For a long time, the former president’s lawyers fought to make his blocking illegal, until the transfer of control of the social network into the hands of the Republican-loyal businessman Elon Musk. The restauration of Trump’s account launched a poll that became the most popular in the history of the social network and was answered by 15 million users with more than half supporting the restoration of the account.  On November 20, Twitter unlocked the account of the former U.S. president. By the time of the indefinite freeze, which happened on January 8, 2021, Trump’s page had almost 90 million followers, and despite the fact that in the week before November 27 there was not a single post there, the number of followers was almost 88 million. In popularity Trump almost did not lose, and maybe even gained. Trump says that he will not leave his Truth Social network, but we must consider that the reach there is minimal, which means that sooner or later Trump will have to be active on Twitter, using his most powerful resource. It is the presence of such a resource in Trump’s hands that frightens the White House.

This fear could not help but cause an immediate reaction from the Democrats and they were “helped” as always by Russia and Putin. Only 24 hours have passed since Trump’s Twitter account was restored, and the liberal public has already rushed to look for a “Russian trail”.  In their view, the Elon Musk poll, in which the majority favored unblocking Trump’s account, was compromised by Russian intelligence, and it purposely inflated the numbers in order to help Trump’s return to Twitter. Weasel journalists managed to link the unblocking of Trump’s account to a recent shooting at an LGBT club in Colorado. In their logic, Trump’s appearance on Twitter will lead to an explosion of political violence in the U.S., which benefits Russia, which is helping him. This statement fits perfectly into the general paradigm of “progressive” liberal ideology, where Trump’s very presence in the political will bring America to the brink of civil war in 2024. While these arguments look almost comical to a normal person, the Democrats’ actions may well go beyond speculation, propaganda and rhetoric. If earlier the Democrats tried to initiate an investigation against Musk over the operation of his Starlink network for “helping Russia,” why can’t something like this be done with Trump?

The Democratic Party’s resolve for any kind of totalitarian meanness will only increase as we approach 2024. Everything we have written about above says only one thing: Trump is the main contender for the presidency in the next election. And that means he will be the main target of various provocations aimed at humiliating him, as we have seen with the “unpopular Trump is responsible for the Republican defeat in the Congressional elections” thesis, which will not prevent his almost fantastic demonization. Even Mike Pence, who is in an uneasy relationship with him, claims that Americans want to bring back the policies of the previous U.S. administration under former President Donald Trump, which means he is the key threat and danger. Trump is now trying to create judicial problems on all fronts, including appointing a special prosecutor to investigate the January 6 protests and the possession of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago.  However, the Democrats don’t realize that the consequences of their actions could be unpredictable for them.  At best, they will clear the way for the presidency for another promising Republican, Ron DeSantis, who is not haunted by such scandals and who released his tax returns back in 2018. Anyway, there is a less positive scenario and in the coming months, the U.S. political divide will most probably intensify dramatically. On the one hand, Republicans will launch a big investigation into the corruption of the Biden family and demand that they testify before Congress.  On the other side, Democrats will try to put Trump on trial. Both sides understand that the stakes in the 2024 election are very high, so they are willing to go to the most drastic measures. The Democrats, by rigging congressional elections and initiating criminal cases against any of their opponents, including Trump, for no sane reason, are destroying the last brick of American democracy: the U.S. judicial system. So, in the end, it is them, not Trump, who are stubbornly pushing America toward civil war.

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