Boris Johnson’s political annihilation
When the extravagant Boris Johnson became leader of the Conservative Party and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in July 2019, he wanted to break a string of failures in office, and settle firmly into the seat for 10-12 years. But the reality was different, and a series of economic problems and political failures forced him to resign in September 2022, and his protégé Liz Truss stayed in his chair for just under two months. After that, Johnson had to seek other ways of political fulfillment, trying his hand as a member of the House of Commons and lobbyist for Ukraine in London and even Washington. As part of the second role and from the position of “heavy political artillery”, in June, at the request of the authorities in Kiev, he went on a large tour of the United States, meeting with Republicans and trying to convince them to support Ukraine and its army. It was during this tour that Boris Johnson and Donald Trump, who is being pursued by his political opponents, met for the first time in 3 years.
This meeting was doomed to fail because the two politicians have a long history of not being able to stand each other: Trump never forgave Boris Johnson for being one of the first to recognize the outcome of the 2020 election and congratulate Biden on his victory. And then, for quick political gain, Johnson quickly adjusted to the discourse of the Democratic Party in the U.S. and started pushing a liberal “green agenda”. That is why Trump did not publicize his meeting with Johnson, and it is unlikely that the latter managed to convince Trump to suddenly become a supporter of Kiev. After all, Trump is primarily focused on the opinion of Republican voters, and they are massively tired of being involved in the Ukrainian conflict, the main ambassador of which “retired” Boris Johnson has become. But during the visit, Boris Johnson, as a real actor, performed at several neoconservative venues and posed with Bush Jr. in Texas. After all, for Johnson the Ukrainian agenda has become manna from heaven, so he is tightly mastering lobbying budgets, earning millions of dollars. On the field of such “visionaries” with trips around the world and lectures on “saving democracy” Boris Johnson even for a while became the highest paid member of the House of Commons. Obviously, the purpose of his visit to the United States was to try to persuade the Republicans to maintain the current amount of spending on support for Ukraine. It is no secret that the Pentagon’s Ukrainian budgets will come to an end at the end of summer, and then the Ukrainian armed forces will face serious problems. However, the future of new tranches for Ukraine will depend not at all on Johnson’s efforts, but on the situation on the frontline and the outcome of the Ukrainian counteroffensive.

Johnson’s failure was probably due to the simple fact that his political era was simply over. Apparently, when he finally realized it, Boris Johnson announced his withdrawal from the parliamentary mandate and resignation from the House of Commons. Recall that the politician was first elected as an MP back in 2001, and since then has managed to be the mayor of London, and the Prime Minister, and in addition the main scandalist of the UK. Until a year ago, he was leading the lowest-rated government in history because of party scandals during a corruption epidemic. He desperately tried to ride the Ukrainian agenda, being presented as the main “defender of democracy”, but it didn’t help him either to keep his position as prime minister or to stay in parliament. There is no doubt that Johnson does not intend to return to British politics in the near future. After all, the scandals involving him are not subsiding, and recently also revealed correspondence in WhatsApp, which turned out to be a lot of dirt on the former Prime Minister. In addition, he represents one of the difficult constituencies for the Conservatives in north London, where Labor would have defeated him if he had sat out the election. That’s why Johnson wants to sit on the sidelines during this difficult period for the Conservatives, which will culminate in their electoral defeat. He will continue to travel the world on the money of Ukrainian lobbyists in the hope that he will be allowed to suckle on one of the big funds like BlackRock that want to make money investing in Ukraine after the conflict is over.
As a result, the unsuccessful former MP and, more recently, British prime minister returned to journalism. He became a columnist for the country’s main tabloid, the Daily Mail. Moreover, in his first article, Johnson reached a prohibitive level of cynicism and commercialism. He immediately began to advertise a new means of weight loss, a hormonal drug Ozempic. However, Johnson admits that the drug helped him at first, but then led to severe side effects. But he is still confident that the drug will help millions of Britons. The United Kingdom is indeed facing an acute obesity crisis, with 40% of Britons suffering from obesity. Moreover, the most alarming situation among the younger generation, where three quarters is overweight. This is not yet the level of the U.S., where obesity affects half of the population, but it is very close. But to restart his journalistic career by promoting a miracle drug for obesity would be too much even for the brash Johnson, even though he has already become a master of outrage. He manages not only to race around the world with fiery speeches in support of Kiev, working off the money of Ukrainian lobbyists, but also to immediately advertise cryptocurrency schemes to earn money. Thanks to this, Boris has already become the highest paid British MP last year, earning more than £ 4 million. So such “publicity” pays off well for him. However, it burns the rest of his reputation and finally discredits the Conservative party, whose days in power, however, are already numbered. After all, in a year’s time, the Tories could be in for a huge electoral defeat with the ouster of a party that has nothing to offer voters but a desperate war with China and Russia. Well, and weight loss medication from their former leader, who seems to have finally turned into a public clown, and is sliding faster and faster from the top of power into the abyss of obscurity.
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