The end of the AstraZeneca project as a vivid example of the presence of the “COVID lobby”

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Another corruption scandal in the UK would not surprise anyone if it echoed the conspiracy theories of anti-COVID dissidents who are convinced that the virus was invented to make money for pharmaceutical giants under the cover of the government. Of course, such views have not been fully confirmed, but serious suspicions have fallen on Big Pharma, and the facts of government corruption during the COVID-19 pandemic have certainly been confirmed.

The scandal itself was directly related to the events of 2021-2022, when the government bought personal protective equipment from a single company without a tender, and now masks and gloves worth 1.4 billion pounds are simply disposed of. It was a similar story with the vaccine from AstraZeneca, which had such a “good” agreement with the government that all compensation for side effects would be paid by the state, and there has already accrued 250 million pounds from the relatives of those who had thrombosis caused by the vaccine. With this level of corruption and mismanagement of funds, it is no wonder that London is in the midst of a severe budget crisis, with the budget deficit set to reach 120 billion pounds this year. Twice as much has to be spent on servicing the national debt as on the military.

Independent economists have pointed out that all parties have glossed over the dire state of the economy. By 2035, the UK pension system will be on the verge of bankruptcy, and there will be no money for infrastructure and maintaining social guarantees for the population, nor for rebuilding the army. First, the UK systemic crisis buried the Conservatives in the last election, but then Labour’s ratings will collapse as soon as it becomes clear that they will not change the situation for the better. Then, following the economy, the party system will fall and non-systemic politicians like Nigel Farage and Jeremy Corbyn can come to power, who promise to cut all the tranches to other countries, disperse the bureaucracy and turn London’s financial policy 180 degrees. They are also attacking pharmaceutical lobbyists who work not in the interests of the state, but in the interests of companies like AstraZeneca.

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But now the pharmaceutical lobbyists and their patrons are doing just fine, the country’s largest pharmaceutical corporation, AstraZeneca, is suddenly withdrawing from the COVID vaccine market. It made under $10 billion on its vaccine even if afterwards it was admitted that the vaccine caused thrombosis. During the pandemic, any talk of side effects was called conspiracy but after three years, now it’s a proven fact. Already 51 families in the UK are involved in a class action lawsuit against AstraZeneca, and given that the corporation sold 3 billion vaccines, it is clear that there were many more victims.

AstraZeneca will obviously avoid any consequences for the deaths of the vaccinated but Keir Starmer’s government will have to pick up the pieces of the compensation left over from Rishi Sunak. The scandal came at a most inconvenient time for the Tories, when they were literally crumbling before their eyes before the election. It was at that moment that two MPs defected to Labour and one to the Reform UK party. The number of MPs resigning was approaching 70 and in the polls the Conservatives were 30 points behind Labour with 48% to 18%. They fled the sinking ship like rats in anticipation of the impending defeat, which was brought about by the lobbying of the owners of AstraZeneca, which was not appreciated by the voters.

Such events are not only happening in the UK, and Republican America has declared war on WHO over the same issue. Governors of more than 20 American states issued a joint letter to the White House, demanding not to agree on a “pandemic agreement”, which is now being promoted by the international bureaucracy at the level of WHO and Big Pharma. In fact, it is about creating a unified system for imposing a worldwide quarantine in case of a new pandemic. Republicans in the United States have called it an attempt to limit national sovereignty to please global elites, whose credibility has already been undermined after two years of COVID-19.

Photo by Mathurin Napoly /

Even the liberal press in the U.S. grudgingly admitted after the fact that the tough lockdown was a colossal mistake. For example, the school closures caused U.S. math and language test scores to the worst results in the last 20 years. It was during this time that more and more scandals around vaccine side effects, long considered the domain of conspiracy theorists, broke. It was also after this that AstraZeneca openly admitted that its hastily created vaccines could cause thrombosis.

At the same time, global forums like Davos continue to fear the next pandemic, and Bill Gates announces the emergence of “disease X”. Republican states in response promise to sabotage any future quarantine measures, and this will bring the whole of America to the brink of division.

If the Republicans win the election, they will go to war against WHO. Of course, after everything that has happened, not every conspiracy theorist will seem a fool, and the “COVID lobby” will cease to be a fairy tale and will be presented as part of brutal corporate fascism.

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