EU problems after Trump’s election continue
The election of the Republican candidate for the U.S. presidency came as a shock to liberals in the EU. Now they are panicking, calculating the...
Labour is leading Britain to internal collapse and foreign policy impotence
Labour is rapidly losing the trust and respect of the population. Britons have begun to favor Nigel Farage's “Reform Party”, as the latest polls show....
What’s happening to Argentine President Javier Milei a year after his triumph?
Argentines pinned their hopes on Milei, counting on his program to overcome the crisis. Unfortunately, the politician did not meet expectations; he showed himself a...
Against the backdrop of Labor’s first failures, the situation in the UK is heating up and the “far-right” is gaining strength
Unpopular reforms of the Labor Party are ruining the party's ratings and turning residents against the government. The opposition is taking advantage of this, gaining...
Boeing Corporation suffers a cultural, technological and commercial “airplane crash”
Boeing has always seemed to be a symbol of imperial power and technological American superiority, but the largest aerospace corporation in the United States is...
Congress’s budget: another thriller
The budget war in Congress did not subside for a moment. At the very end of February, when congressmen were due to come out of...
Congress’s budget “hundred-year war”
At the beginning of February, the White House was preparing for another "war" with Congress, and the stumbling blocks were once again military tranches to foreign...
The British left is taking advantage of the “conservative economy” crisis to plunge the country into liberal hell. The far-right is also around
The Labor Party in Great Britain is gaining strength against the backdrop of the dying Tories, but this process is not so unambiguous, and Labor,...
The UK is following in the footsteps of the U.S. in everything
We have written a lot about the decadence caused in the USA by the intensified and suicidal introduction of the "progressive agenda". This phenomenon does...
The hidden U.S. fight against Europe behind the scenes of the new Cold War
Relations between the U.S. on the one hand and China and Russia on the other are so bad today that it is hard to cite...