Top U.S. issue: the culture wars around “transgender” people and their “friends”
In the summer of 2024, the “transgender” wars in the United States reached the Supreme Court with the lawsuit of Democrats against the law banning “sex...
Trump is haunted by the courts and Biden by cognitive problems. Who will deal with their difficulties more effectively?
In the first 24 hours after the court verdict in the Stormy Daniels case was announced, Trump's campaign raised a record $53 million. Moreover, 30%...
The pressure is on: Biden has dropped out of the running election
The president of the United States will not run for another term. It's a major blow to liberals and a boost for conservatives. Biden's decision...
The aggressive promotion of LGBTQ+ ideology is destroying American culture and even “progressive” Hollywood
LGBTQ+ loyalty and its radical ideology has become one of the Democrats' main propaganda tools ahead of the November elections. As in 2020, they want...
Iran and Israel’s “strange war” against the U.S.
Iran's missile and drone strikes against Israel, referred to by Tehran as Operation True Promise, took place on April 13 and 14, and made a...
Japan is no longer the most innovative, but it’s still the fastest dying out. What happened?
At the beginning of the year, Japan lost its place in the world's top three economies to Germany. In the last six months of 2023, the economy...
Congressional budget: spring tensions
The budget wars in Congress continued, and lawmakers tried to hurriedly approve a new budget before the deadline of March 22, when the U.S. government was...
Congress’s budget: another thriller
The budget war in Congress did not subside for a moment. At the very end of February, when congressmen were due to come out of...
Congress’s budget “hundred-year war”
At the beginning of February, the White House was preparing for another "war" with Congress, and the stumbling blocks were once again military tranches to foreign...
Matt Gaetz seizes the moment, and serves himself a “cold revenge” against Kevin McCarthy
Republicans and Democrats have become not just political but rather mental enemies since the 2010s. The fall of 2023 presented an amusing episode of unity...