Migrants are taking over Serbia
On September 12,371 illegal migrants from Africa and the Middle East were detained within the framework of a special police operation in northern Serbia. The action was the largest of its kind related to the suppression of illegal stay of citizens of other states on the territory of Serbian lands. In its turn, the operation did not solve the problem that has increasingly plagued Serbia in recent years, which has become a transit zone for migrants to the EU.
Every police visit to the forests of Vojvodina ends with a “rich catch” of detainees and illicit trafficking items seized from them. Automatic and other firearms, which are more suitable for the army than for young people from the Third World, are of particular concern. Fortunately for Serbia, migrants do not settle in the country, considering it a transit zone on their way to Western European countries. There they are entitled to a full social package, and the Serbian authorities are unable to provide aliens with a well-fed life without their efforts. But this does not cancel the accompanying problems that migrants cause.
There are many videos on the Internet, most often from the southern provinces, of columns of young men moving quickly and in an organized manner along the roads towards the north. In Belgrade, migrants also cluster together, waiting for transit to the EU. And in the north, in the forests near Subotica or Sombor, gangs from Afghanistan and Morocco are running rampant. They are obviously not planning to go to the EU, having found a profitable “business” in Serbia. They have learned to make money from their compatriots and co-religionists by smuggling migrants across the Hungarian border. According to some information, in the migrant camps the gang members also provide not the most legal services, for example, distributing drugs. For the locals, there is a threat of attacks (something migrants have proven themselves in over the years). The Serbian citizens are even more exposed to the danger during gangs of Afghans and Moroccans. Fortunately, no locals have been hurt in such “fights,” but there are casualties among the foreign gangsters themselves.
Serbs often wonder why the authorities will not try to solve the problem while it is still in its infancy. Serbian opposition activists regularly appeal to the authorities to get to the bottom of the situation and bring migration flows under strict control. But more than therapy in the person of Bratislav Gašić, the Minister of the Internal Affairs, who is making public, cannot be achieved. Meanwhile, “squads” of migrants are already shelling border guards on the Serbian-Hungarian border. Perhaps it is Serbia’s “European path”, i.e., dependence on the opinion of Brussels, which, if it does not care about the safety of its citizens, why should it care about the Serbs?
Migrants are a weapon of hybrid warfare, which is being waged against Europe by the hands of its own governments. The consequences of uncontrolled migration policy are the change of cultural space (simultaneously with the collapse of the level of common culture), the destruction of the local way of life, the replacement of the indigenous population, and, of course, a sharp increase in crime. If Serbia chooses the “European path” and harmonization of policy with the EU takes precedence over national interests, it is obvious that the problem with migrants will only grow. The solution can be only tough actions of official Belgrade against “non-military invasion” up to closing borders and redirecting migrant flows through neighboring countries through Albania, for example.
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