Interreligious clashes in the UK reveal years of miscalculations

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The UK authorities are in no hurry to solve the migration crisis. This leads to interethnic conflicts, protests and pogroms.

Exacerbation of the migration crisis

The interethnic and interreligious conflict has escalated in the UK. As the mass protests of late July and early August showed, it was only a matter of time before a violent manifestation amid the insane migration policies of the Tories and the Laborites who replaced them.

The protests were preceded by an episode on July 27 when prominent right-wing activist Tommy Robinson put together “the biggest patriotic rally” in central London, leading a long procession from the Royal Courthouse to Trafalgar Square. The rally was held under the slogan “We want our country back”. There was no specific theme and people came out to protest against everything that has been bothering them recently: the migration crisis, the loss of national identity and the pro-Palestinian agenda imposed by Islamic communities. However, in spite of Robinson, a counter-rally was held with the participation of pro-Palestinian movements and representatives of different migrant diasporas. They spoke out against Islamophobia and “fascism”. The events ended with scuffles between the participants of the two rallies and arrests of activists, showing the intensity of the problem in the society and its readiness to resolve the conflict by force.  

Tommy Robinson’s supporters on the march in London
Photo by Guy Smallman / Socialist Worker

Since the beginning of the war in Gaza, London has been shaken by left-wing and right-wing riots, as well as more frequent migrant riots by Ethiopians, Eritreans and Bangladeshis. It was clear that with millions of migrants being brought in, this would happen more and more often.

Popular anger

But the most high-profile wave of inter-ethnic pogroms in the UK began after a shocking attack in the town of Southport. A 17-year-old perpetrator carried out a massacre at a children’s dance event. He stabbed 11 children and 2 caretakers, killing three girls aged 6, 7 and 9. Most of the victims were native English.

Initial media reports gave unconfirmed information that the perpetrator was a Muslim. This was enough to cause a social explosion. It was only later that more detailed information about the attacker emerged. He turned out to be a Briton, Axel Muganwa Rudakubana, from, as the liberal media mockingly wrote, a “very nice family” of migrants from Rwanda. But this did not reassure the public.

After information about the Muslim child killer surfaced, right-wing activists and soccer fans from the English Defense League flocked to Southport, clashing with police and fighting with migrants who were running around the town with machetes. The activists smashed and burned police cars and had clashes with law enforcement.

Keir Starmer immediately came to town, but the propaganda did not work. He was too embarrassed to answer the crowd’s cries of “How many more children do we have to kill?” and left to the chants of “Get out, you sack of shit” from Southport voters.

Photo by Sky News

But the negativity didn’t stop there, and anti-migrant protests swept across the UK and even neighboring Ireland for a week. Soccer fans and English Defense League activists rioted in London, Bristol, Manchester, Belfast and other cities.  Activists attacked dormitories with migrants, mosques, smashed hotels. In the city of Sunderland in the north of England, a police station was burned down. The riots were also accompanied by numerous protests.

The country’s leadership was accused of trying to conceal the motives behind the attack on the children in the town of Southport, which clearly boiled down to the migrant’s religious, social and ethnic hatred of white British people. Labor pressed the fact that the attacker was born in Wales and was not a migrant himself, pointing to the uncertainty of the motives of the crime. Although it was obvious to everyone that the attacker was the son of first wave migrants, and clearly had a political and religious bias.

Rumors surfaced that the police were following the perpetrator, suspecting links to Islamists. Nigel Farage demanded that the truth about the attack be revealed and classified as a terrorist attack, and the outraged right-wing continued to stage riots against the silent Labour MPs who cared more about “tolerance” than the law and whose behavior bordered on conspiracy against the people of the country. And this was borne out because Keir Starmer’s cabinet responded by threatening to launch a social media crackdown and punish anyone who spread “misinformation” about ethnic crime and was simply a “right-wing extremist”. And with this approach, surprisingly, the situation got increasingly out of control with migrant riots, attacks on police and incidents of violence.

Riot police hold back protesters in Southport
Photo by Christopher Furlong / Getty Images

Society and authorities speak different languages

An outraged population is angry about the rapidly deteriorating situation in the country because ethnic crime is out of control and the authorities are trying to cover it up, sometimes siding with semi-criminal and religious extremist migrant communities. Keir Starmer’s cabinet simply doesn’t know how to respond. Labor has hastily pledged money to help Britons with psychological problems. This is what is officially being cited as the reason for the attack on the children in Southport, trying to portray everything as he is not an Islamist but just a raving lunatic.

And this is being done on purpose to preserve “inter-ethnic peace”.  It seems that Labor’s strategy will not help the fight against crime, especially given Labor’s plans to release 40,000 prisoners from overcrowded prisons. Today, in the eyes of the authorities, criminals are better than “right-wing extremists”. And the cells are hastily releasing under arrest right-wing protesters who in reality are simply people who are tired of criminals and the authorities, who are tired of the arrogance of criminals and the authorities who cover for them. Case in point is the aforementioned Tommy Robinson, who is facing criminal charges after a patriotic rally.

The authorities have no desire to fight real crime, but they do want to organize a big political process, declaring “war on fascism”. And at the same time Labor is looking for a “foreign trace” and a conspiracy of the Conservatives in the fact that Great Britain has plunged into interethnic strife.

In fact, it is quite a natural process of degradation of society, which is rapidly being replaced by millions of “New Englanders” flooding London. And the truth is that the Conservatives and Labor have equally had a hand in this with their similar liberal philosophy. Because of their miscalculations, Britain now faces many short-term and long-term problems in the form of new riots and the decay of the country and the nation.

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