How the UK lives after the parliamentary elections

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The parliamentary elections are over and the UK has settled down to its usual life with many problems and trials, without noticing the change from Conservative to Labor.

War crimes are being “put on the brakes”

Almost immediately there was another scandal around the British army, again it was about the war crimes of the Special Air Service (SAS) in Afghanistan. Since 2023 there is an investigation into the murder of 54 civilians in Helmand province, whom the British shot and then planted weapons on them, presenting them as Taliban. One of those who solved the crime was former Minister of State for Veterans’ Affairs John Luther Mercer. In a year and a half of investigation, none of the SAS were ever charged. Only three military men were recommended to be court-martialed, but in the end that didn’t happen either. But now, after the Left came to power, the investigation has turned its attention to those who spoke out about war crimes. Mercer was demanded to reveal the names of his sources, or else he would face imprisonment. So they will try to punish them demonstratively, so that others will not be punished.  

Photo by Diego Gonzalez /

At the same time, the British Ministry of Defense flatly refused to help its former Afghan army partners with the relocation. The Taliban do not like old military personnel, but no one in London needs witnesses of war crimes committed in Afghanistan. No one can cancel reputational losses, and the British Army is already going through bad times. The number of those willing to serve has plummeted by 30% amid the war in Ukraine, and ships have to be scrapped due to a shortage of sailors. Aircraft carriers are constantly breaking down and tanks and artillery are almost non-existent. The pacifist Laborites who came to power may finally finish what is left of the British army. It is more important for them to fight ethnic crime protesters.

The migration crisis and ethnic crime

That’s why the criminals are doing well, for example the legendary Albanian mafia in the UK is gaining strength. It has a new scheme: drug dealers rent houses and turn them into mini cannabis plantations. Each one generates a million pounds a year. The houses are rented in depressed cities like Birmingham, which recently declared bankruptcy, and the owners are intimidated by the unpleasant consequences if they go to the police. In addition, unwanted tenants can only be evicted by the courts, and that’s not easy. Albanian criminal syndicates are now operating quite openly in the country. They promote their tiktokers showing the “benefits” of illegal migration to the UK and working in the drug business, backing up the videos with tours of cannabis farms and sheds with stolen cars. There is nothing the police can do to counter this. It has gotten absurd: the police are going to pay Albanian influencers 100 000 pounds each to stop making videos with their propaganda.   

The ethnic mafia earns billions of dollars from the migration crisis, bringing in hundreds of thousands of “New Englanders” every year. Migrants now account for 90% of all population growth in the UK. Diasporas and criminal syndicates will only grow stronger in the gradually emerging “Progressive England”.

Migrants disembark from a lifeboat 
Photo by Ben Stansall / AFP / Getty Images

Against this background, at least somehow imitating the fight against ethnic criminal minorities, Labor has decided to declare war on establishments run by the ethnic mafia in the UK. There will be a wave of inspections. However, it was announced in advance so that people can prepare for everything. And besides, it’s not clear what to do with the caught migrants. It is difficult to send them to jail, as the prisons are already overcrowded. Deportation to their home countries or third countries like Rwanda has already been abandoned.

Multiculturalism in the UK is getting out of hand. Earlier, there were uprisings by English people angry at the murderous migration policy, and Labor has long been unable to extinguish the Gypsy diaspora in Leeds. Several people were arrested for rallies and burning police cars, but were immediately released on bail. Leeds City Council, which is full of diaspora representatives, publicly supported the rioters. The Bangladeshi diaspora in London was also active. Keir Starmer needs to respond. But it’s not clear how to do this because there are not enough police and the government is more empathetic to criminals than ordinary citizens, which echoes BLM’s Democratic strategy in the U.S.

Spoiling relations with the diasporas is a dangerous thing for the new authorities because they are Labor’s electorate. The only thing left is to imitate a war with migrants by searching the establishments of Albanian, Kurdish and Pakistani mafia, and they themselves are capable of causing serious problems to the police in return.

The government is considering shutting down military programs

Against this background, Labor wants to please the population with its favorite social populism. And for the sake of increasing social subsidies, fat military contracts, for which the UK does not have enough money, may be cut. Thus, the Labour cabinet that came to power in the style of “pacifism” is thinking of covering up the program of the 6th generation fighter Tempest, burying the country’s technological greatness in the military sphere. The cost of the program is already 12 billion pounds, and the money for it is nowhere to be found: the choice is either between giving up new fighter jets or scrapping the AUKUS program to build submarines for Australia, which is more important for allied relations.  

Prototype at Farnborough
Photo by BAE Systems

London can also cancel the programs for the next-generation Type 32 frigates and new MRSS landing ships, as well as remote-controlled howitzers for 1.2 billion pounds. All the bloated military projects have to be shut down, and the legacy of 14 years of Tory rule that made money from the MIC. Billions of pounds have been flushed down the drain on copies of Israeli drones that don’t fly, Ajaxs that injure while driving, the development of hypersonic missiles amid a shortage of conventional Storm Shadow. Old destroyers and fighter jets are being scrapped and there is no money for new ones. And now the government has also changed, and the British Ministry of Defense has to justify itself for everything that was plundered under the hysteria about “World War III”.

Terrorists in medicine

In Britain, the health care crisis is so severe, with a shortage of doctors and 20-week waiting lists, that everyone is being recruited into the medical profession. There was a scandal involving a GP named Abdul Wahid who was calling for jihad on the streets of London, and such doctors are quite in the style of Labor activists. He was one of the organizers of large-scale pro-Palestinian rallies, the so-called “Million Man Marches”, which drew hundreds of thousands of people and worked to Labor’s advantage. However, then it turned out that Wahid is the leader of the British cell of the banned extremist organization Hizb ut-Tahrir.

Members of Hizb ut-Tahrir have recently established a lobbying movement called Muslim Vote, which speaks on behalf of the 4 million-strong Muslim diaspora. They are demanding an embargo on trade with Israel, investment of pension savings in Islamic funds, and allowing namaz in schools. Of course, they did not fire the Islamist from the clinic, or they would be accused of intolerance. Moreover, Labor is in power now, and during the recent elections many Islamists became MPs. Labor wants to grant amnesty to 120 000 refugees from Afghanistan and Syria, and this is on top of 600 000-700 000 migrants who come to Britain every year. And at the same time they will release 40 000 criminals from overcrowded prisons, among whom there are also many radicals.

Migrant unrest, social problems and even greater budget deficit for all needs – that’s what awaits Labor in the near future. Do you see the difference with the Conservatives? We don’t, or it will be a minus sign.

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