The budget crisis in the U.S. is still unresolved
After the end of the Christmas holidays, which became a respite in the confrontation between the White House and Congress, the issue of "financial confrontation"...
Macron is in trouble but continues to fight for his power
Macron is preparing for the European Parliament elections in June this year, but his main concern is the campaign of his successor Gabriel Attal in...
The abandonment of nuclear power plants as the main liberal madness in the energy sector, which finds less and less support from politicians in the West
If after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine and the resulting energy crisis, it seemed to some that the madness of the "radical leftist...
Joe Biden’s annual address to the nation was once again a failure
The president's address to Congress and the nation in the United States has always had not just a significant political but also a sacred meaning....
Macron continues the “President-Jupiter” line, strangling the country’s Parliament with ordonnances and unwinding Darmanin
The "Fifth Republic" in France has always been considered ultra-presidential and, in general, was intended by its creator Charles de Gaulle. However, for the majority...
“Pedophilia king” Jeffrey Epstein recalls himself even after his death
Pimp and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was finally arrested on July 6, 2019, on federal charges of trafficking minors in Florida and New York, and by...
Results of the first months of the government of populist and libertarian Javier Milei. Part 2
In the first part of the article, we wrote that the newly elected president of Argentina, Javier Milei, was very cautious, and after getting his...
Macedonia’s new prime minister: one step closer to Greater Albania?
On January 25, Prime Minister of Northern Macedonia Dimitar Kovacevski resigned. In his place, for the first time in the country's history, an Albanian in...
Montenegrin Russophobia: a course against the people
Joining the EU sanctions policy against Moscow has not brought any benefit to Podgorica, says Montenegrin Prime Minister Milojko Spajić. According to him, in 2021...
Who could “replace” Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee: dreams and reality
The U.S. presidential election to be held this November is, as always, marked by a historic confrontation between the Republican and Democratic parties. Traditionally, before...